11. Back On Tour.

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Apollo pov

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Apollo pov.

I sit in the backseat of the car waiting to leave this fucking show. As we're driving Dylan climbs in the back beside me.

"hey,man" he greets with a smile.

"hey, Dyl." I lean my head back and look out the window. "what can I do for you?"

"nothing, nothing. I was just curious about something" he says playing with his hands nervously.

"asks away, my friend"

"is something going on between you and Johnny?" he asks quietly so nobody else hears. My head shoots to turn to him.

"what? No, why would you think that?" I lie. I really, really like him.

"I-I just thought, cause you always sleep together and-" I cut him off.

"no we don't"

"I saw you guys."

"what?" my heart starts beating super fast. Fuck.

"the night we were at Lily's Place, and then again when Elias phoned us...and the other night in the van. You guys always hug eachother and compilement eachother. I just thought you two were like 'a thing' and didn't tell us" he shrugs. My breath catches in my throat.

"I-I. We're not together. Plus, he has a girlfriend and likes girls. Anyway, I don't like him like that" I lie once again. He clearly dosent believe me but nods and smiles.

"okay, sorry, mate. I didn't mean to intrude."

"its all good." I pat his shoulder. He goes to move but stops to say something else.

"if you were, you know. Then it's okay. We'd all support you. No matter what" he smiles. I can't help the grin that glides across my face. "your one of my best friends."

"thanks, Dyl. Your one of my best friends too" he ruffles my hair before climbing back into the front.

We drive around a corner we see Johnny and Gretchen talking.

"all right, lovebirds, we're leaving!" Leo calls as Ricky honks the horn of the van. "come on, Johnny, get in"

"Gretchen come with us" Vic adds. Please don't come with us. We watch them hug one last time before Johnny walks over to the van.

He sits down beside me with a smile.

"Hey, Pollo" he puts on his seat belt and waves to his girlfriend as we drive last.

"hey, Johnny." I blush as he places his arm around my stomach and pulls me towards him so I'm practically leaning against it.

Dylan looks back at us from a few seats ahead with a grin. He winks at me as Johnny looks out the window.

I smile back and lean my head on Johnny's shoulder.


We all sit with Elias in the same bar Mr. Capricorn took us for 'business' as he called it.

"alright, everybody take one" he says as a tray of shots are placed in front of us. We all take one and hold it up. "best thing that could have happened was yiu getting us kicked off that tour"

"really?" I ask looking at my drink.

"because there'll vs no more clubs in a van. Straight to the Theatres in a bus." we all cheer and raise our glasses. We all cheers before drinking them

A tall buff dude walks up to us. I shrink a little and lean into Johnny at his height. He's atleast 6 foot.

" I'd like you to meet your new tour manager, Hawk"

"hold on." I raise my hand. "Ricky's our manager. We're not getting rid of him"

Ricky reaches over and high fives me with a grin

"your not. Ricky's the band manager. Not the Tour manager. You belong with your ass in a chair behind a desk." everyone chuckles but Ricky dosent loom amused. "haws been doing this 20 years. He's gonna run security and make sure we don't get ripped off by the promoters"

"god. Okay, okay, fine. Alright. So, what else do you do?" Ricky asks.

"shit hist the fan. I'm the fan" he says in a deep voice. I lean over to Johnny and mutter.

"Walter White vibes" he chuckles and places his arm around my shoulder smoothly. I blush and lean back into him.

"a lot of heat out there, guys I think were all in for a ride." Hawk says. I've no fucking clue what that means, but okay.

"so let's have another round."


We stand in our new tour bus stick in traffic with protesters and haters surrounding us.

"why the fuck would elias book us here the day our album comes out?" Leo asks after looking out one of the windows.

"who knows" I say with my mouth full. I was sat on one of the couches eating some raspberry ripple ice cream I found in the fridge.

Everyone looks at me grinning. I just give them a confused glance. Johnny uses his hand to motion to around his mouth.

I wipe my mouth with my hand and smile sheepishly when I see its covered in melted ice cream. He chuckles before turning back to the others.

"there is a method to this madness. Think about it, guys. See that out there? That's the best publicity we can ever get and it dosent cost us a penny" Hawk says. Some dude dealing with the shows suddenly jumps in the bus taking off his sunglasses.

"whoa. They say if no ones hating you ain't making an impact. " he says grinning.

"fuck yeah, man. Let's tear the house down tonight" Johnny says confidentially.

"yeah, about that, the, uh, the County pressured the venue into shutting down the show" we all sigh. Why is everying getting so fuck up

"what?" Leo questions annoyed. "oh, shit where can we celebrate our fucking album release then?"

"yeah, I say we just keep driving, guys" Vic suggests.

"well, there is one bar in town. But it's not really worth a shit and I wouldn't suggest you guys go out there."


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