26. better odds.

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Apollo pov

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Apollo pov.

I sit in an interegation room wearing an orange jumpsuit with both my hands cuffed together. a lawyer sat in front of me and a guard was at the door.

all I could think about was Johnny.

"what did you want to change most in the world with your music?" the lawyer asks as I look at him.

"Humanitys obsession with religion. it decides us. Whether it's Jesus, or Mohammed, or moses." I say leaning across the metal desk. "we...we are all brothers and sisters. we all bleed the same shade."

"any other proclamations?"

"it's sad. the only two things that touch people as much as love and music is sex and violence."

"your pleading not guilty, claiming temporary insanity. don't you fear that by say he was the devil It would look as your mocking the court to the jury?" he questions. I slam my hands down on the metal and glare at him.

"you don't get it! look, he's dark energy. Einstein proved that energy can't be destroyed, it can only be displaced." I state. "let me speak to Johnny."

"enough with the gimmick, seriously."

"HE WILL KEEP COMING BACK!" I yell and jump to my feet. "OVER AND OVER!"

The guard races over and grabs me roughly. he pushes me through the doors as I struggle in his grip.



I sit in my usual cell writing in my notebook. I usually just write song lyrics or doodle since I'm stuck in here all day.

"You're writing new songs, huh?" one of the guards asks as they walk up to my cell.

"yeah. it's not like they'll ever see the light of day, though." I chuckle and keep writing.

"I'd say it has to be covered in total darkness before it can struggle to reach the light." I frown as I recognise the voice. I look up and see the man we were meant to shoot on stage standing there. "People grow today more from music than religion. you now have that power. you also have a visitor."

I walk up to the, now open, cell door.

"who are you?" I ask softly.

"Gabriel" he states.


I sit waiting patiently for my visitor to arrive. I'm not too sure how long I've been here but it's been long enough for me to get lonley.

the buzzer opens the door and Johnny stands their. I instantly shoot up but my handcuffs and cuffed to the table so I can't do much.

I smile when I see him and he grins when he sees me. he races over to me and wraps his arms around me. I can't hug back but it feel so good to have him here.

"Hey, baby. you doing alright? you have no idea how much I've missed you" he says pulling away and holding my cheeks to look at him.

he rests our foreheads against eachother and I swear to God, I could cry right now.

"I love you so much, Johnny." I say pulling away slightly.

"I love you too, Pollo. we're gonna get you out of here, okay. I promise." he says and I lean down to his lips. he holds my waist and kisses my deeply. it's cut short by an awkward cough from. the door.

We pull away and take a seat. he interlocks our fingers and grins at me.

" Elias hired some crazy attorney that says he can get you off a technicality. Elias went under oath saying it was all part of the theatrics that the record label had you do." once the words leave his mouth the door opens again. this time with Elias, a lawyer guy and Leo.

" Apollo" Leo sighs happily and walks over.

"I-I'm so sorr-" I stop when he pulls me in for a hug. I lean my head on his shoulder and hear him sniffle.

"we're fixing this, alright." I nod and let him pull away. I nod and let him kiss my forehead before going back to beside Elias.

"boys, remember the attorney I told you about the first time we met? This is Damians father" Elias introduces the suit wearing man.

"hey, guys. He'll of a first album. can't wait to hear the next one" he smiles. he drops a sheet of paperwork and a pen in front of me. I look at Johnny.

"I love you" I squeeze his hand and we both meet halfway across the table, a few inches between us.

the attorney knocks on the table four times. I frown a little and feel Johnny peck my lips before saying.

"" two against one. better odds"


"I really wish I knew why I've donw some of the things I've done over the years. sometimes I think I'm possessed by some outside spirit. A few years ago, I was convinced of that. I thought I was truly possessed by the devil"- Ozzy Osborne, 1984. Hit prader.

"I just go crazy when I go on stage. it's like something else takes over my body"- Clen Tipton, Judas Priest, 1984. Hit prader.

"by the time we're halfway through the first number someone else is steering me. I'm just along for the ride. I become possessed when I get on stage" - Angus Young, AC/DC, 1985. Hit Prader.

"I was living it. that's all there is to it. it was my life-that fusion if Magick and music. there's no point in saying much about it. because the more you descuss it, the more eccentric you appear to be. but the fact is-as far as u was concerned- it was working, so I used it. I'll leave this subject by saying the four musical elements of Led Zeppelin making a futh us Magic into itself that's the alchemical process"- Jimmy page, Led Zeppelin 2008m Guitar world.

"I know it sounds new age...but in my meditation, this entity-which is called Metatron-he said 'we want to hook you back to the radio airwave frequency. we want you to reach junior high schools, high schools and universities. Once you reach them-because we are going to connect you with the best artists of the day-then we want you to present them with a new menu. let them know what they are themselves. multidimensional spirits with enormous possibilities and opportunities. we want you to present them with a new form of existence that transcends religion, polotics or the modus operandi of education today"- Carlos Santana, 1988. Rolling Stone.


I just want to say thank you so much for reading. I know the story line gets a bit messed up along the way but we made it. I hated the ending I had to do, I was thinking about it for weeks before deciding, Fuck it. I might write Paradise City if anyone wants me to. it may be tricky because Johnny and Apollo are gay and there's a lot of love triangles in PC. also, Kellin Quinn, my oc, is actually in Paradise City so that's gonna be hard. alright, thanks again.



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