21. Johnnys mother.

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Apollo pov

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Apollo pov.

I sat beside Johnny in his bedroom while he played with my fingers Grinning.

It's our third day off of tour and I decided to visit him. He welcomed me in with a happy kiss and told me his mother was out buying groceries.

"do you want to spend the night, Pollo?" Johnny asks me softly.

"I can't. Your mums going to be home soon." I remind him. He looks over to me and stops playing with my hand. He leans in and kisses my cheek.


"so. What do we do when she sees me. 'oh, hey, Johnnys mum, I'm your sons boyfriend. Did I mention we're gay?'. I don't think that will work" I joke. He chuckles lightly.

"she knows I'm seeing someone. She just dosent know who"

"how dose she know?"

"w-when me and Lily fucked Gretchen called me, I didnt realise and Lily answered the phone. Gretchen heard everything and broke up with me. I'm really sorry, Apollo" he explains. Every time he brings up the him and Lily situation he feels guilty and apoligises.

"it's okay. I get it" I smile, he sighs happily and kisses my forehead.

"I love you, baby" he whispers. My stomach goes all fuzzy and I can't help but blush at the nickname.

"baby?" I grin. He smirks and burys his face in my neck.

"baby. Your my baby, my Prince. I'll always look after you." he says into my neck and kisses it gently. I hum and run my fingers through his hair.

"I love you...baby." he kisses my neck once more before sliding us down the bed slightly and wrapping an arm around my waist so we can cuddle.

"I love you more" he says as he snuggle into eachother. He yawns loudly. "im so tired"

"do you want to go to sleep? I don't mind" I suggest. He just nods into my chest and closes his eyes. I hum the tune to 'Mr. Doctor man' and within minutes he's asleep.

My eyes fall heavy and I find myself going into a deep slumber. Completely missing the sound of the front door opening and a pair of heals walking across the floor


Johnny's mum pov.

I sigh happily as I re-enter my home after buying all the groceries I needed. Johnny offered to get Hawk or someone to get them for me but I didn't mind.

"JOHNNY? JOHNNY, YOU HOME?" I call into the house while playing the shopping on the kitchen table. I get no reply. "JOHNNY!"

I walk through the house until I reach Johnny's room. I knock on his door a few times but still get faced with silence.

I turn the handle and push open the door.

"Johnny, I have been callin-" I stop when I see Johnny laying on his bed cuddled up to a boy around his age also asleep.

The two were snuggled into one another both shirtless.

"Johnny" I whisper to try gain his attention. He just stirs a little and burys himself into the boy more.

I recognised him from the Relentless. He was one of the guitarists brothers. I think his names 'Apollo' or something. Johnny always talks about him.

I look at them with a sigh. This must be the person Johnny left Gretchen for. She's such a sweet girl, she didn't deserve that.

I walk over to the door and turn off the light. Johnny grunts slightly and lifts his head up off the boys chest to just snuggles in more.

"Mom?" he questions groggily. I just smile to myself in the dark and close the door behind me.


Johnny pov.

I woke up the next morning quite early. The sun was just seeping through my window and onto the edge of my bed.

I start sitting up but go back to my original petition when Apollo, who was cuddling me, pulls me back.

I smile to myself and move a fallen strand of his hair which was covering his eye. He snores softly into my side.

"wakey wakey, baby." I whisper in a soft voice while running my fingers through his hair. he just snuggles in more. "Come on, I can't kiss you if your asleep"

He leans up still in dream mode and pushes out his lips for me to kiss.

"no, baby, wake up properly." I grin. he just huffs and opens one eye. he smiles when he sees me and stick his lips out again. i lean down and kiss him gently. he grins into it and tiredly runs his hand through my hair. we pull away a minute later.

"i love you, Johnny. i love you so fucking much" he says looking into my eyes. i blush and peck his lips a few times.

"i love you too" i lean up and hold his hand. "you want breakfast?"

he hums in reply and grips my hand lightly.

" cereal?"

"please" i kiss his knuckles and climb out of bed and pull on one of his zip up hoodies to cover my bare chest and add some shorts because i was just in my boxers. i kiss his head one last time before leaving the room.

i walk into the kitchen with a yawn and open the fridge door to grab some milk and yogurt.

"Johnny?" i turn around and see my mom sitting at the dinner table with a cup of coffee in her hands.

"oh, hey, mom. " i greet and grab a bowl.

" is there anything you wanna talk about, Johnny?" she asks softly. i shake my head with a shrug.

"not really, why? you okay?" she nods and looks away.

"hey, baby, can i use your shower? Leo hogs the shamp-OH!" Apollo walks into the kitchen in just his boxers and covers himself when he sees my mom. "h-hey, Ms. Faust. lovely weather were having"

"shit" i mutter as my mom looks between us skeptical. she looks over the many hickeys we've given eachother and how were wearing eachother's clothes. " screw it. Mom, this is my boyfriend, Apollo"

"johnny!" Apollo squeals in shock.

" what about Gretchen?" she asks simply. she dosen't seen angry or shocked by the boyfriend news.

"what about her? she hasn't spoke to me for weeks. plus, ive liked Apollo for months." I walk over to Apollo and take his hand in mine.

"well, Apollo, you can call me Kat." my mom smiles and finishes her coffee.

"im Apollo. you can call me...Apollo" she just chuckles.

"alright, well, I'm going to go for a jog. you two have fun" she places her cup in the sink and makes her way out of the house.

"I think she likes you" I tell Apollo after kissing his head.

"thank god for that"


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