5. Lily's Place.

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Apollo pov

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Apollo pov.

We all sit in Lily's apartment doing whatever the fuck we want.

So far I've took a shite, showered, ate half her fridge and drank half her booze. Its sick.

I don't remember much of last night. But when I woke up I was laying on the floor with Johnny snuggled into my side with a blanket covering us.

I go to move but he just shifts a little and snuggles in more.

"Johnny? Johnny?" I whisper but he dosent respond. My heart flutters slightly as he pulls me closer to him.

I slowly move my head to the side and see his resting face laying against my shoulder.

I bring my free hand up to his face and move a stray hair from his eyes.

I shakily place my hand on his cheek and stroke it slightly. He stays asleep surprisingly.

I smile to myself and drop my hand to go back to bed.

Dylan pov.

I woke up really early in the morning in Lily's House. Last night was great. We got high, we got drunk.

Me and Vic prank called Macdonalds, Leo, Apollo and Johnny had a drunk dance off while Lily made out with some girl in her bed and Ricky took a bath.

I run my hands through my hair but stop when I hear rustling from the floor.

I take in everyone's positions. I was across a couch, Leo was laying on the kitchen floor covered in cereal, Ricky was on the coffee table asleep, Vic was on another couch face down, Lily was in her bed but where was Apollo and Johnny.

I look around and see they were both laying on the floor...hugging.

Apollo was awake but wasn't really doing anything. He moves a little but Johnny just holds on tighter.

"Johnny? Johnny?" he whispers but gets no reply. I watch as he reaches his hand over and moves some of his hair. A few seconds later he's stroking his cheek.

I stare at the scene confused. Was Apollo gay? If he is he's never said anything.

Apollo soon goes back to sleep, I decide to do the same. Maybe we can talk about it tomorrow.

Apollo pov.

I woke up a few hours later to someone shaking my shoulder lightly. I open one eye and am surprised to see Johnny staring down at me with a smile on his face.

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