20. Forever In Our Hearts.

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Apollo pov

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Apollo pov.

A few days later it was Ricky's funeral. Me and Leo helped organise it just how he would have wanted.

It was at night, in a graveyard where you could see the Holywood sign, trees surrounding it with fary lights and photos of him scattered around.

Me and Leo got really close again since our make up. I've still been using the Heroin Johnny gave me and found a dealer. He's a different one to Johnny's but has good prices.

I've hardly been off of it all week and my arms starting to hurt with all the needle scars.

I just always wear a long sleeved hoodie or jumper to cover them.

We all stand around Ricky's grave holding candles. I hand my hand on Leo's shoulder for support as he begins his speach.

"im not really sure what I'm supposed to do or say at this point. Nothing I say up her is gonna bring back my best friend. Nothing I say will help make any sense of what's happened. Thank you for the laughs. For all the smiles..." Leo choaks up so I say my part to give him time to calm down.

" Ricky has been our friend since birth. We've always been a trio. He's the reason we're all here and we should be thankful for that. Thank ful for him" I let a stray tear fall down my cheek.

"forever in our hearts, Ricky" Leo places down his candle and cries into my shoulder as I rub his back.

"shhh, it's okay, it's okay" I sooth

"in honour of Ricky, I say we keep this train rolling full steam ahead" Elias says sadly. "you know it's exactly what he would have wanted"

"yeah, I reckon so"

"good. It's time for our world tour. Your icons now. The controversy, the sex, the fake, the power, its all part of the ride. Don't get lost in it" as he says the last part me glances at me and Johnny. "and lay off the fucking drugs"

As we walk away with the others Lily and Johnny fall behind.

"are you ready to embrace it?" she asks my boyfriend. He looks at her with teary, yet determined eyes and says.

"all of it"


"understand these fans are manacle. They know where we're going before we do"


Like a pendulum
I forgot where I came from
(We lose control) With the weight of the world
Swing me back and forth again
Like a pendulum
I forgot where I came from
Darkness, I gave in
Now I'm picking up the pieces of a broken heart
Darkness, I gave in
Now I'm picking up the pieces of a broken heart
Darkness, I gave in
Now I'm picking up the pieces of a broken heart
Like a pendulum
I forgot where I came from
(We lose control) With the weight of the world
Swing me back and forth again
Like a pendulum
I forgot where I came from
We lose control
American Satan
We lose control
American Satan
We lose control
American Satan
We lose control
American Satan
We lose control"

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