Chapter 13: Why do you want us?

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Kristoff asked me if I wanted to have lunch at his table, and I asked him if my friends and sis could sit there." Sure, after all, Jack likes Elsa, I like you, Hiccup likes Merida, and Eugene likes Rapunzel." I held his hand and went to the cafeteria. Eceryone was gaping and all the girls were glaring. I sat down next to him and started to talk but then eberyone showed up. We went outside and sat under a tree while talking. Merida's head was on Hiccup's lap, Kris and I were sitting in the tree, Elsa was leaning on Jack, and Rapunzel and Eugene were laying on her hair. "Kris, I have a question for all of you boys." "What is it?" "Out of any girls in this school, why did you guys choose us?" " You guys were different from everyone else. You didn't swarm us, or make yourselves look like clowns. You guys were just yourselves. That's what we all like." Kris said while kissing my cheek. "Aww, you two are a thing right?" Punzie said excitedly. "Uhuh" I said. "Well, I guess we all have a boyfriend." I said hugging Kris. "Hey, guys let's have a sleepover! It'll be just like the first time we met!" "Sounds great feistypants." Kris said. That's his new nickname for me. "Ok iceman." I giggled. When everyone was talking, I looked at kris and then up. He nodded and then climbed higher. Once we were at the top, I said," I wish this day would last forever. My man, all my friends, and my sis." I kissed him and we climbed back down. Then after school, the boys came over and we watched movies, played truth or dare, then went to bed at 2 am. Thank goodness its saturday! I woke up realizing that I was sleeping next to Kristoff on the couch. He stirred and said, " good morning feistypants". He greeted me with a kiss. I hugged him and went to make pancakes.

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