Off my hiatus (hopefully)

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Okay, it's business time now.

As you all may know, I haven't updated in like one hundred years or so, and have been letting you guys down, so here is why I haven't been updating lately.

1. I have had a huge writers' block.

For those of you who don't know what a writers' block is, it's basically when you don't have ideas for a story, start being less and less creative, or start running out of ideas. I have had a huge and long writers' block, which has kept me from updating for a very long time. Mind you, I did dawdle off a lot, neglecting my good readers and the lovelies who stuck around for my scarce updates, thank you very much. That, I am sorry for. I started to dwell away from my books, leaving you guys in the dust, figuratively. I am truly sorry for that. I just don't really have a lot of creativity left. But, do not fret, for I will try to update as much as I can. It won't be every day, but I will try at least once a week to update.

2. I have been grounded for a while.

Yes, I was grounded from my iPod for a series of amounts of time, which led to me not updating, but hopefully, I will be able to manage my time on this thing and not be a dummy.

P.s I was trying to type the word but and I kept typing buts lol, just thought you should know that.
Anyways, thank you for taking the time to read this dull 'chapter' (if you could call it that), I really do appreciate each and every one of you who take the time to read my crap stories. Truly, thank you. I would give each and every one of you marshmallows a hug if I could.

     With love,
The terrible book author, Hope


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