Chapter 24: The News

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Elsa's pov

After school, I let Anna go to Mer's for a sleepover, leaving me to walk home. I was thinking about what would happen after I graduated.

It was freezing outside, but the cold never bothered me anyways.

The road was solid ice, causing me to slip a few times, but I still walked.

Next thing I knew, a group of guys were running towards me, and were trying to take me into their van.

I tried to hold them off as long as I could, but on of the punched me in the jaw, and I couldn't see straight. The last thing I saw was the door of the van slide open, and I blacked out.

Anna's pov

I was at Mer's, casually hanging out, and I turned on the tv. Apparently, there was a group of guys going around, taking people, and they haven't found anyone.

Worried, I called Elsa's phone, but no answer. 22 calls later, I slumped down, crying. What if Elsa was taken by these guys? What if they're hurting her right now?

All these thoughts ran through my head at lightning speed. I called Jack and Kris, and asked them if they had seen Elsa in the past hour.

Both said no. Mer came out of the bathroom, and said, "wha's wrong, lass?" I sniffled, and said, "I think that Elsa was abducted."

A/N: dun dun dun!!! I'm sorry for the cliffhanger, but hey, that's what sequels are for! Yes! I'm making a sequel! Happy dance! *does a weird jig* well, here's the teaser for the sequel. Look for it soon.
Elsa's pov

I woke up in a blank room, with a bunch of needles tied to me. I had no idea where I was, but my head hurt like crazy!

Then, a man in a black dress came out of the shadows, and said, "now now, don't struggle Ms. Arendelle, you'll only make it worse." "How do you know my name?"

He laughed, and said, "oh dear, I know everything. And soon, my plan will be complete. Everyone in Burgress will bow down to me!" I chuckled and said, "yeah, because they would totally bow down to a albino guy in a dress."

He glared at me, and yelled, "it's not a dress!!" "Yeah, and I'm a hamster. We both know we're lying." "Whatever. You will see my point of view very soon, my little puppet."

And he walked over to me, injected something into my arm, and I was surrounded by black sand. It was slowly choking me, and the last thing I saw before I passed out was that man walking back into the shadows, laughing deviously.

So, how did you like it? I know you can probably tell what's gonna happen, but wait for the book because I might surprise you. Okay? Well, thanks for being with me for this book, and we'll see eachother at the sequel! I hope you guys will like this.


Your fab Snow queen

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