ashley gray.

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if you asked someone to describe me they'd probably say that i'm a stubborn girl with a pretty face. in all honesty,that's not completely wrong. but it's not completely right either. there's a lot of layers to me. very few people have seen them all.i usually keep my personal life at home or to myself.

i'm not necessary natural. my hair does not have these blonde highlights naturally. my skin is not naturally this tan . my nails are not this pretty naturally. my lips are not naturally this plump. my eyelashes are not naturally as long. my hair is not naturally this healthy. and my face definitely does not look this good naturally.

yeah i get lip filler,i self tan,i get my nails done,my hair dyed,i get eyelash extensions,and wear a shit ton of makeup. but all these things make me love myself. and i believe it's important to love yourself no matter what it takes.

i'm a 16 year old girl,just about to start my junior year in high school. i've been through a lot. let me look as fake as i want. and suck my ass if you don't agree with it.

and before you ask,cal is the one who pays for all of that shit. the lip filler,the hair salon bill,the nail salon expenses,the eyelash extensions cost,the expensive ass self tanner i use,and all the high end makeup i use.

he might not be my real dad,but i'm definitely a daddy's girl. ever since i moved in,he's spoiled me like no other. i'm not like a little brat about it though. i definitely show my gratitude to him for everything he does for me. i think he always wanted a daughter. but instead he was given three sons. so when he had to opportunity to take me in after my parents died,he had the daughter he never had. me and him are super close.

honestly,i don't know why he puts so much money on my credit card. but he does and i'm definitely not complaining. i just don't know why he does it. but i'm not gonna tell him to stop.

then my "brothers". i hate calling them that. i am not related to those two. thank god. if i was i would probably off myself. they both drive me literally crazy. both for different reasons.

aaron is a creep. he's tried to have sex with me way too many times. he's like 23 and a college dropout who just chills in his parents basement smoking a bunch of weed. he has nothing going for him in life. he's like touched me without my permission before. but i just brush it off cause i don't want to deal with it.

then there's nate. dont even get me started with him. first off,he has anger issues. like really bad. second off,his girlfriend and him break up every week. and it's so annoying listening to them fight all the time. and third,he is always lecturing me about the revealing clothes that i wear and the amount of makeup i wear and how i am so un natural. he also likes to call me a whore.

i'm not exactly a whore. i mean i've never even had a real relationship. but my body count isn't exactly low. which unfortunately for me,nate knows about because word gets around school quick. honestly the boys at school just think i'm a game. like see who fucks me before the other. it's honestly pretty degrading. but whatever. it happens to the best of us.

anyways,nate is super annoying. i think he just has it out for me because cal likes me more than him and treats me like a princess. nate is literally just jealous of the attention i get from cal. and he always says that cal isn't my real dad so cal shouldn't treat me as good as he does or spoil me as much as he does. but nate can literally fuck off. cal might not be my biological dad but he's treated me like a daughter for years. and he's done more for me than anyone else ever has. and if nate doesn't like it that sounds like a personal problem for him. he has a lot of those. he is literally a physco.

i was a cheerleader for the cheer team at my school. but i got kicked off the team because i missed too many practices and at one of the football games i was cheering at,i may or may not have gotten into a huge fight with nate and i did some stupid shit that got me kicked off the team. meaning i literally pulled a taser out of my backpack and used it on nate. but he was calling me a whore so i did what i had to do. but it got me kicked off the team. but i hated cheer anyways. i only did it because nate guilted me into it.

he wanted me to be on the team so i could become friends with his girlfriend, maddy but he also just wanted me to go to his games and cheer him on. i don't know why but that's what he wanted. and when i said no to him he told me that if i didn't he would tel cal how many people i've fucked. so yeah i got blackmailed into doing cheer all because of nate. like i said,he's a fucking physco.

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