first day back

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today is my first day of junior year. i've never really been a big fan of school. i'm not dumb but i'm not like a nerd. just average. my grades are good. never anything below a B-

school is just boring. i also like strongly dislike most people that attend east highland. especially the whole football team. they're all a bunch of cocky teenage boys who think they're better than everyone else. they also think playing football is a fucking personality trait.
but i've fucked like 7 of them so i probably shouldn't be shit talking them.

anywaysssss let's talk outfit,hair,and makeup.
so for hair i just went basic. straightened it and left it down with a middle part. but when it came to makeup,i have to be looking my best. soooooo here's what i did:

and then for outfit i chose:

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and then for outfit i chose:

and then for outfit i chose:

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honestly i know that that's probably way too revealing for high school but suck my dick lol

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honestly i know that that's probably way too revealing for high school but suck my dick lol. i look good and that's what matters. anyways for shoes i went basic and just wore a pair of black sandals.

for jewelry,i chose gold hoop earrings,a gold bracelet that cal gifted to me a few years ago. it had a cross on it. super cute. then i wore a necklace with a heart on it and a really beautiful diamond ring that also had a heart on it. marsha gave it to me for my 15th birthday. it's my favorite ring.

then i sprayed perfume all over me and grabbed my backpack. i headed downstairs. cal and marsha were already gone for work. i said bye to them earlier this morning before i even got ready.

nate was sitting at the kitchen table. he looked up at me and looked my body up and down. "no" he said. "hmm?" i asked. "what the fuck are you wearing?" he sassed. "clothes genius"
i said with an attitude. he rolled his eyes. "yeah,no shit!" he yelled. "go change" he demanded. "no. what the fuck"
i said. "now" he demanded. i rolled my eyes completely ignoring his demand and got to the bottom of the stairs. "let's go"
i sassed.

he stood up and grabbed his backpack. we walked outside and got in his truck. "do you like want to get raped or something" he asked me,breaking the silence. i turned my head to him but he just kept his eyes on the road. i scoffed. "what? i'm just asking a question. i mean look at the way you dress" he said. "okay and?"i said. he didn't say anything.

i looked down at my phone and didn't say a word the rest of the ride. he's such an ass sometimes. like does he want me to kill myself? probably tbh.

when we got to school he parked and i got out immediately. "what are you in a rush for" he asked me. "to get the fuck away from you"
i said. he looked at me. "you're such a bitch" he said. "tell me something new nate." i sassed. before he said anything i just walked away from him.

i got into the school and went to my locker. i stood against it watching everyone. i saw cassie.

she was someone i actually didn't mind. she's a really sweet girl. i know everyone thinks she's like a slut. but that doesn't mean she's not a good person. everyone thinks i'm a slut too so i definitely feel for her. you know? she's a literal angel. she's super sweet and kind hearted. her mom is an icon. i don't know much about her sister,lexi. she's nice too but i've never really talked to her.

i'm also not all that close with cassie. we've just hung out like three times. and she's a sweetheart. anyways enough about her. let's talk about how i already want to go home.

all my classes went by somewhat fast. it was just a normal day. i sat in school just wishing i was at home. damn i'm so miserable. but i feel like everyone is. and if you aren't,consider yourself lucky.

the one thing i wish everyone had is self love. i wish everyone could just look at themselves in the mirror and be like "damn i'm hot". i see beauty in everyone. and yeah it took me a really long time to get to a point where i said fuck it and just started to love myself and love what i saw in the mirror but i'm happy i got to that point in my life. everyone deserves to love themselves. i don't care who you are. you deserve to know how beautiful you are.

and honestly i'm not the nicest human to walk this earth but the one thing i will NEVER do is make fun of someone's physical appearance. i deadass don't care. making fun of someone's looks is literally so stupid and downright disrespectful. so a big fuck you to anyone who does that shit.

when school was over i met nate outside at his truck. i got in and sat there with my arms crossed. "what's your issue" he asked. "nothing just tired" i said. i didn't want to fight with him or give him a reaction. so just playing it off as if i'm tired.

he nodded his head. "do you want me to just drive you home and we can get your car later?" he asked. why is he being nice to me? "no it's okay,thankyou though" i said. he shook his head.

once we got to mckay's i got out of his truck and thanked him for bringing me to get my car. he said "anytime"

i got in my jeep and immediately drove home. i just wanted to be in my bed. god damn. once i got home,i walked inside. threw my keys next to nate's on the counter and walked upstairs.

i went into my room and laid on my bed. within 2 minutes i was already asleep.

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