fuck maddy perez.

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well by the next day,word had gotten around quickly. apparently someone from school was in target last night at the same time as me and nate. they saw us holding hands. and obviously this news got back to maddy.

me and nate did agree to keep whatever we had going on between us out of school. but by time we got to school,everyone already knew.

i was standing with nate at his locker. maddy started to walk near us. but i still hadn't known that she knew about us yet. "nate fuck you" she said. "what did i do now maddy" he said. completely oblivious to the fact that she knew about us. "fuck you too ashley" she said. "what the fuck did i do" i asked.

"you fucked my boyfriend!" she yelled. but that is where she was wrong. just because i was holding hands with him in target did not mean me and him had sex. and me and him truly did not have sex.

"we didn't have sex" i said calmly. "oh please! you fuck every guy in sight" she said. which isn't true and honestly it bothered me this many people think of me that way. i'm literally not that much of a slut. but after she said that,i couldn't hold back anymore so i said what we were all thinking.

"maddy you're a physco. nate is not your fucking property. and we did not have sex by the way. maddy you're so fucking annoying sometimes. i've tried to be nice to you for nate's sake because i know you're his girlfriend or whatever the fuck but i literally can't stand you. you're obnoxious and think you're better than everyone else. you're literally the definition of a jealous crazy girlfriend.no one cares about you or what you have to say. you just have a pretty face. that's all there is to you. you're boring and honestly a fucking cunt." i said.

"you were literally holding hands with my boyfriend in target" she said. why didn't she say more? i literally just gave a whole speech about how annoying she is. then she turned to nate. "and don't even get me started with you. you fucking man whore! who do you think you are holding hands with the school's slut inside of target when you were begging to get back together and telling me you love me yesterday morning?!" she yelled.

honestly that made me upset. like i didn't want to hear that he was telling her those things. i don't like nate. but like what the fuck?!

nate grabbed her wrist and yanked her away from me. he walked away with her. i don't know what's going to happen between those two but i don't care to be quite honest.

well by the end of the day,i would've been better off dead. maddy told the whole school a bunch of stuff about me. and i don't even know how she knew about most of it.

she told everyone about my parents and how they died. i haven't even told you yet. my dad was a great dad. but he went crazy. killed my mom then himself when i was 10. i don't like to talk about it.

anyways,i don't know how she knew about that. plus she told everyone that i'm like physco. and told everyone that i have a crippling drug problem the way rue does which isn't true. and she told people that i fuck our guidance counselor. which is a lie. the guidance counselor is a perv. i have never and will never go near his dick.

everyone was talking about me and staring at me. it was literally painful to walk out of the building by the end of the day. but when i got to my car,nate was standing at his truck.

"yo ashley get in" he said. and honestly,normally i would've  fought him about it and said no. but right now i could use a hug or some sort of comfort. so i did what he said.

i got in his truck. "ashley" he said but i cut him off. "nate! how does maddy even know about my parents?" i asked. "when me and her first started dating,and she met you she just asked about you and shit. i don't know. i obviously had to explain to her why you lived with us. so i just kinda told her" he said. "oh great" i sarcastically said and sighed.

i wasn't mad that he told her. i don't care if people know it's just i don't want to have to be the one so explain the situation.

"i'm sorry" he whispered. "nate it's fine seriously. not a big deal. everyone at this school hates me anyways" i said just trying make him not feel as guilty. he nodded his head.

but honestly maddy is a physco. like i understand that she was jealous but did she really have to go as far as she did? over holding hands in target!! like cmon.

honestly,fuck maddy perez.

her or me? ;nate jacobs Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora