who saw this coming?

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well two hours into my nap i was rudely interrupted from my beauty sleep by nate barging into my room.

he was shaking me for me to get up. "what do you want?" i whined turning around. "get the fuck out of bed. we got shit to do" he said. i looked at him with furrowed brows. "i wasn't requesting ashley. i'm telling you. not let's go"
he said. i rolled my eyes but didn't want to fight so i just got out of my bed. "change first" he demanded. i rolled my eyes. instead of changing i just grabbed one of his sweatshirts and threw it on. it obviously covered my revealing top and it went past my shorts.

he grabbed his keys and we got in his truck. "mind telling me where you're dragging me to?" i asked him. "i need a favor ash" he said. "just tell me where we're going" i said.

he took a deep breath. "ashley look at me" he said. so i did. "you can't tell anyone" he said. "okay nate i won't" i said. "like not a single soul. this stays between me and you" he said. i would be lying if i said he wasn't scaring me. like what could he have done that was so bad that he is swearing me to secrecy?

"i won't tell anyone nate" i said. he nodded. "i like beat the shit out of someone. like really badly" he said. i raised my eyebrows. "who?" i asked. "doesn't matter" he answered. "nate you better tell me who" i demanded. "the guy who raped maddy!" he exclaimed. i raised my eyebrows. "she got raped?" i asked. he nodded his head.

bruh i do not fuck with rapists. but then i remembered something i overhead earlier.


i was walking behind BB,cassie,maddy,and kat. i heard them talking about how kat and maddy were both getting fucked when jules and nate had their little altercation in the kitchen. maddy claimed she blacked out. and then just said that alcohol wasn't good for her. and then i walked away because maddy is just full of fucking drama and i didn't want to hear her voice anymore.

*end of flahsback*

to be honest,blacked out or not,that guy was over 18. and maddy isn't. so legally,he did rape her. she probably lied about her age to him. but the girl was clearly not sober. he shouldn't have fucked her. actually i don't even think they did fuck. whatever. if nate beat the guy up,good for him. that guy is 22 and was making out and possibly fucking a 17 year old intoxicated girl. i don't fuck with that. and apparently,neither does nate. especially cause that's his fucking girlfriend.

"okay what do you need to me do?" i asked. he looked a little confused. "you're just gonna agree to this and help me?" he asked. "um yeah. rape is fucking disgusting nate. and as much as i dislike maddy,i'm not gonna let this guy get away with what he did to her" i spoke.

honestly i've always made it very clear that i have a hatred towards rape. i mean everyone does. or they should at least. but mine was little more personal. when i was 13 years old,i was raped by my math teacher. i told no one. then eventually i couldn't hold it in anymore. and i told marsha. long story short,the teacher is now in jail because i was not the only girl he raped. but i told cal and marsha that i really don't want anyone to know. especially nate and aaron. and they respected my request. so till this day,nate doesn't know. actually no one knows besides cal,marsha,the police who invested the teacher,and some teachers who worked at my middle school. but like none of the kids at my school ever found out. and i plan to keep it that way.

"but you hate maddy? why are you all the sudden all about helping her?" nate asked. when he asked me that i wanted to just yell at him. because honestly,he asked for help and that's what i'm giving him,yet he's sitting here questioning it. but i didn't want to fight with him.

"if i tell you why i've always had a weird hatred against rape,we never discuss it again. got it?"
i said. he nodded his head. "when i was 13,mr.smith,my math teacher raped me"
i said. that's the first time i've told someone besides when i told marsha literally years ago.

his eyes widened and a tear slipped out of my eye. i wiped it away. "ashley,why didn't you tell me" he asked. "wasn't something i ever planned on telling anybody" i answered. "we don't have to talk about it. i know you don't want to. but i hope you know i'm always here for you if you need a shoulder to cry on"
he said.

i was surprised that he was being nice about it. and didn't pull the "well you dress like a slut so that's why you got raped" card.

i smiled and thanked him. we quickly ended that discussion because i did not want to talk about it anymore. anyways we ended up driving to that guy's apartment. i later learned that his name is tyler.

when we got there he parked his truck. "wait if you already beat him up,why do you need me to be here?" i asked him. "well like are we supposed to take him to the hospital?" nate asked. "fuck no" i answered. he chuckled. "oh then never mind we don't need to be here"
he said pulling out of the apartment complex parking lot.

he drove off. "you hungry?" he asked me.

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