halloween night pt.3

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he pushed me against the counter and shut the door behind him. "did you just fuck daniel?" he yelled at me. "yeah" i said with a laugh. i'm not gonna lie,i was a little drunk. "ashley this isn't funny" he said. "why nate? you get to fuck maddy still,you hang out with her,and you're dating her. so if you can do that and me and you aren't even official why can't i fuck daniel?" i asked .

"it's different with you ashley" he said. "why nate?" i asked with an attitude. "because i want to be with you" he said. i looked at him with raised eyebrows. "nate you say that and then tomorrow you'll tell me i'm a whore" i said. "well you are" he sassed. i threw my arms up. "that's not the point. it's the fact that you can't just make up your mind and leave it there without going in between me and maddy. it's not fair to either of us but especially her."
i said.

he went to say something but i shoved my hand in his face to shut him up. "you need to sort everything out with maddy first. figure out your feelings and see if breaking up is what is best for you two then let me know" i said to him.

without waiting for his reaction i left the bathroom. i walked back outside where i saw fez and rue on the couch. she looks depressed as fuck. "hey guys" i said as i threw myself down in between them. "hey kid" fez said. "hey ash" rue said.

"rue you good?" i asked. "yo ain't that your homegirl" fez asked rue before she could answer my question. jules was there drunk as fuck. stumbling around and then fell into the pool. i giggled a bit but fez nudged my shoulder a bit because rue didn't think this was funny.

rue got up and stormed to jules. then i watched jules pull rue into the pool. but i took my attention off of them and brought it back to fez. "yo kid isn't that nate" he asked me and pointed to nate who was standing at the doorway staring at me. i rolled my eyes. "yup" i said. "you gonna go see what he's staring at us for" he asked. "nope" i answered. "shit" fez said with a chuckle. i smiled and took the bottle of vodka out of his hand and drank it.

nate walked over to us. "ashley let's go" he said. i looked up at him and gave him my disgust face. "no" i said. "stop being a cunt ashley,get up" he said. "nate what did i tell you in the bathroom" i asked. he looked down and stayed silent. "exactly,now leave me alone"
i said. he looked up and me and slapped me right across the face. i held onto my cheek and looked at him. he didn't have any emotion on his face and the next thing i knew punches were being thrown.

not at me,thank god. but between nate and fez.
fez has always looked out for me. he's quite protective over me. and rue seems to think he has a thing for me. but i don't think it's true. or maybe it is. idk. anyways not the point right now,fez and nate are literally fighting right now.

nate is a strong dude. but i didn't think fez would be this good!! go fez. go fez.

the fight didn't last long. mckay (who i didn't even know was there) and some other dude on the football team got them off of each other. my immediate instinct was to help fez. so i did. i sat him on the couch and made sure he was okay. his nose was bleeding a bit and mckay handed me a paper towel for him.

he held it on his nose. "i'll be right back fez"
i said. he nodded his head. i went in the house to find nate. i saw him standing near the kitchen. i walked up to him. he had a cut on his lip and a bloody nose and maddy was no where to be found.

"what we're you thinking" i yelled at him. "he hit me first!" nate said. "yeah well maybe you shouldn't have slapped me nate!" i yelled. "i'm sorry" he said and tried to give me a hug. "no! that's not happening this time. nate you need to stop. all of the fighting and hitting. i will not he with a guy who's like that" i said. he looked down. "goodnight nate. go home and get some sleep." i said. he looked at me with a dull face.

i walked back outside and thanked fez for what he did for me.

"alright i'm gonna head home" i said. "the fuck you are! he just slapped you and i know your parents ain't home so i don't know what he'd do to you ash,come stay at my place tonight" he offered. "fez that's really sweet of you but i have to go home" i said. "if he lays a hand on you,you better fucking call me" he said. "okay fez" i laughed. "promise me" he said. "i promise" i said with a smile. "goodnight kid" he said. "night fez" i said.

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