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Juliet walked through the paddock of the Sakhir Circuit in Bahrain and pasted by various people. Her sunglasses shielded her eyes from the bright and hot sun and she searched for her brother.

This was Anthoine's first season in Formula 2 and she couldn't be more proud of her brother. The pair were close growing up considering there was a only a year between them in age, compared to their older brother Victor who was 4 years older than Anthoine.

Anthoine was born on the 22nd of September 1996 and Juliet was born the following November 25th 1997.

From the age of 8, Anthoine had began his karting career having fallen in love with the sport since he was 4. It was at the age of 10 that Juliet began showing a huge interest in singing and performing with their parents supportive of their different interests.

At the age of 17, Juliet had been scouted by a record company in America and moved to live with her aunt in Los Angeles where she spend the next 4 years of her life.

Now here she was in Bahrain.

She had taken the decision to move home to France and continue to pursue her career. She had spent the last few months sorting everything out with her manger after expressing her interest in returning home to Lyon.

Juliet spotted her brother a few feet away with his back half towards her as he removed his glasses from his face and wiped a bead of sweat from his nose.

He was talking to a girl that Juliet recognised as his Arden teammate, Tatiana Calderon, the only female F2 driver on the grid this hear.

A smile grew on the female F2 driver's face as she noticed the famous singer approaching them but Juliet was quick to ask her to remain silent so she could surprise her brother.

"Anthoine!" Juliet exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around her older brother's shoulder.

It took him a minute to realise who it was but the minute he did he pulled his younger sister into a hug and spun her around causing her to laugh, unaware of the photographers snapping the moment. A picture that would most likely be in every gossip magazine by the morning.

"What are you doing here?" The French man asked the blonde in front of him.

"I wasn't gonna miss your first race in formula 2." She replied with a smile on her face.

"How did you get the time off?" Anthoine wondered. He had spent countless nights listening to his sister complaining about her manager and how strict on time management she was, with no room for spontaneous trips to the Middle East.

"I didn't. I'm moving back to France, permanently." Juliet informed her older brother.

"That's amazing Jules." He told her with a smile on his face.

"Don't mean to interrupt but, Anthoine, we have to go." Tatiana spoke as she looked down at her watch and realised the pair would soon be late if they didn't leave now.

"You guys go. I'll see you after the race. Good luck." Juliet assured them both.

"Thanks." Tatiana smiled at the blonde. "Big fan by the way."

"Thanks. Me too. Not many women brave enough to put up with idiots like him on a daily basis." Juliet replied as she patted her brother on the shoulder.

"Hey." Anthoine exclaimed at the insult. He realised that the pair of girls would come to be good friends as they had very similar personalities which was one of the things that made his rookie season a lot easier for Anthoine having his teammate so similar to his sister.


Juliet had made her way to the stands and found a seat on her own to watch her brother's first race in formula 2. As the driver's took their places on the grid she became very aware of the voices around her mentioning her name clearly taking note of the famous singer in attendance at the Bahrain Grand Prix.

Soon after the race ended and the driver had to attend a press conference. Juliet received a message from Anthoine apologising but she assured him it was fine and she would watched the F1 second practice while she waited.

She remained in her seat as the practice began with various drivers taking their turn on the track getting used to the surface and the teams making their plans for race day Sunday.

A few formula one names were familiar to Juliet as she recognised them from Anthoine's karting days. The most familiar ones were Charles Leclerc, Esteban Ocon and Pierre Gasly.


Juliet turned at the sound of a voice and a small hand tapping her on the shoulder. When she did, she found a small brown haired girl around 9 or 10 years old.

"Hi. How are you?" Juliet asked the little girl.

"Good thanks. Are you Juliet Hubert?" The little girl wondered with a hopeful look on her face causing Juliet to laugh slightly.

"Yes I am." The blonde replied with a smile.

"Oh my goodness, hi. I'm Lucy." The little girl introduced herself.

"Hi Lucy." Juliet spoke causing the girl to smile.

"Lucy." The voice of an older woman exclaimed as she approached them. "You can't go running off like that. This place is so big we could've lost you."

"Sorry mommy." Lucy replied with a sad look on her face.

"Now apologise to this young woman." Her mother instructed Lucy.

"She's not any trouble, honestly." Juliet assured the woman as to reduce the amount of trouble the little girl would be in.

"Mom, it's Juliet Hubert." The brown haired girl whispered in her mother's ear although Juliet could hear her clearly.

"Oh. Hi dear. Nice to meet you." The woman told Juliet with a smile.

"Like wise." Juliet smiled in reply.

"Now come on Lucy. Daddy wants to go to the Paddock Club." The mother spoke as she picked up her daughter in her arms.

"Bye." Lucy waved at the singer.

"Bye." Juliet replied as she waved back at her.

After the practice session ended, Juliet received a message from her brother asking if she was ready to go. She made her way out of the stand and towards the Paddock area in search of her brother.

 She made her way out of the stand and towards the Paddock area in search of her brother

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