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"That was great Juliet, you can take a break now." The man behind the glass spoke with a smile on his face as he leant back in his seat.

Juliet nodded in reply as she removed the headphones from her ears and placed them around the microphone before walking towards the water bottle on the table.

She was currently in a recording studio located in the centre of Lyon recording a new single. It was something she hadn't done in a couple months and it felt great to be back recording again.

Her phone rang as she took a seat on the couch located in the booth. She grabbed it and answered her brother's phone call.

"Hello, hello." She spoke in a happy voice reflecting just how well today had gone for her in the studio.

"You sound happy." Anthoine told his sister slugging slightly at how perky she had sounded on answering his phone call.

"I am. Recording is going really, really well." Juliet explained as she rested her head against the back of the couch.

"That's good." Anthoine replied with a smile. He was glad his sister's work was going well for her.

"What about you? How's things going?" The blonde asked after receiving a five minute warning telling her that her break was almost over.

"Good, thanks. I should be back home tomorrow night." Anthoine told her with the sound of talking in the background. "I better get going and get back to work. I'll see you tomorrow Jules. Love you."

"Love you too. Bye." Juliet replied before placing her phone down on the table along with her bottle of water.

"Ready to get back to work?" The recording driver asked through the speaker as he was sat on the other side of the glass. Juliet replied with a thumbs up before placing her headphones back on.


"Push Pierre."

The Frenchman tried to breath through the heavy weight that was threatening to crush his chest if he was to give up now. With one final exhale, he managed to get the bar back up above his head to finish the rep.

"That was really good work." Pyry, Pierre's performance coach, spoke as he placed the bar back on the frame allowing the RedBull driver to sit up.

Pierre grabbed a towel and ran it over his face and through his hair to relive any sweat he had acquired during the hour long session.

"Let's do some stretching." The older man said before they both took a seat on the floor to began their cool down stretching. "So, what's this I hear from Max about you and Juliet?"

"Max has a big mouth." Pierre simply replied as he swapped positions and stretched his other leg.

The French driver knew he'd live to regret telling his teammate about his feelings for the blonde haired girl but it had slipped out and there was no taking back the revelation he had just made.

"So there is something going on between you two?" Pyry asked as he handed Pierre the stick her would use to stretch his back.

"I didn't say that." Pierre shook his head in reply before moving the stick behind his back to begin stretching.

"But you didn't deny it either. Come on man. It's just me, you can tell me." The performance coach assured the Frenchman next to him.

"I've liked her for years but she followed her dream and headed to LA. I've seen her once in the last 4 years before she came to Bahrain and that was when she flew home for her 18th birthday to Lyon." Pierre explained as he stood up and placed the stick in the corner before stretching his legs.

"And you haven't told her because?" Pyry wondered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Because she's a world famous singer." Pierre replied to him in the same tone of voice. "And she had a boyfriend in those 4 years."

"But she doesn't now?" Pyry spoke as he opined Pierre's actions and stretched next to the driver.

"No. Anthoine said they broke up over a year ago I think." The Frenchman tried to think of exactly when Anthoine had told him that Juliet and her boyfriend had broken up.

"Then why haven't you asked her out yet?" The older man asked as they finished up their session.

"It's not that simply Pyry." Pierre said as they walked towards where they had left their things in the corner of the gym.

"I'm not saying to ask her to be you're girlfriend, just ask her on a date."

"Anthoine in one of my best friends. Imagine how awkward that would be." Pierre reminded the performance coach as they made their way out of the gym.

"He's your best friend and she's his sister. I'm sure if the two of you were happy, he'd be happy for you." Pyry explained whole adjusting the strap of his bag over his shoulder. "Just ask her on a date.l

"I'll see. I'm not promising anything." Pierre replied before the pair bid one another goodbye and headed in their separate directions.

Pierre took out his phone as he began the short walk home to his apartment. He began to scroll through Instagram and came across a picture Juliet had posted not that long ago of her in a recording studio. He found himself smiling at the bright smile on her face as she laughed at something someone that wasn't in frame had said.

If what happened between Daniel and Juliet had thought him anything it's that people like Juliet don't stay single long. She's an amazing person and deserves the best and if he didn't take the opportunity to ask her out someone else would.

 She's an amazing person and deserves the best and if he didn't take the opportunity to ask her out someone else would

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Eighteen // Pierre GaslyWhere stories live. Discover now