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The silence in the room was killer.

No sounds could be heard as Juliet Hubert stared over the white blank page in her brown leather song book just like she had been for the last hour.

Writing music was something that had always come so naturally to the blonde haired girl from the age of 14 years old when she started writing her own songs back home in Lyon, France.

And now here she was at the age of 22 and nothing was working for her. No inspiration, no melody, no genre. Nothing. Her entire mind was blank.

She bounced the edge of her white writing pen up and down against the edge of her notebook in frustration due to the lack of ability to write.

The notebook had been a gift for her from her oldest brother Victor before leaving for America 5 years ago. She treasured it dearly and always used to for writing songs, never wanting to part from the possession that helped her start her career.

The front page held a small message from both her brothers with both names signed underneath it wishing their only sister luck on her trip across the globe to begin her music career.

Lyrics always flowed from her mind in LA and eventually managed too also when she returned home last year but now here she was in Belgium and she couldn't think of a single word to write down.

The possibility of her location and the date having an affect on her lack of inspiration had entered the mind of the young French woman but she was quick to dismiss it not wanting those feeling to come rushing back.

But naturally enough that was impossible.

Her mind would always go back to Anthoine and his accident last year. The loss of a son, brother, friend, colleague and amazing person still fresh in her head a year on from the incident.

She knew she wasn't the only one finding the weekend hard.

Her mother and brother had decided to come to Belgium with her to spend Anthoine's anniversary in the only place he'd want them to be. It was one of his favourite tracks to race on having give him his first drive back in F4.

She knew it would also be tough on the drivers, both F2 and F1. There was such a link between the two categories as a lot of the younger F1 boys grew up karting together with some of the current F2 drivers.

Juliet also knew that one of the people suffering the most was in the room right next door to her own through the wall at which the head of her bed was rested against.

Pierre and Anthoine had been extremely close from the age of 10 to 18 while karting and their friendship lasted through their F2 careers even after Pierre was signed by Toro Rosso.

Pierre probably took Anthoine's death the hardest out of the entire F1 grid considering they had been so close and their competitive nature always striving each other to do their best through the course of their careers.

It was easy to seem so alone going through something like mourning a loved one but you quickly realise how you aren't alone when someone you lost is know by millions and loved by so many.

Juliet brought her mind back into her hotel room and to the task she was trying to complete. Her deadline for her new song was Monday morning at 10am and it was currently Saturday night at 10pm.

All of a sudden, the French girl felt all of her emotions rising through her and her head felt like it was about to explode with a feeling of pressure banging on her temples.

In one quick motion, she grabbed her song book and pen in her hand and threw it as hard as she could against the walls at the top her bed which she had been facing.

"Ahhhhhh." She screamed loudly while her song book made contact with the wall.

She let her body fall forward until her head was in the white fluffy hotel pillow with the pillow muffling the sound of screaming slightly but not enough for the French man next door not to hear her.

Pierre had been laying silently on his bed staring at a black tv screen with thoughts consuming his mind. Some about tomorrow's race but most of them about Anthoine.

It was then he heard the sound of screaming coming through the wall on which his tv was located and knew exactly who the voice belonged too.

He quickly jumped up from the large hotel bed and grabbed the spare key to Juliet's room she had forgotten earlier before quickly making his way out of his own hotel room and to the room next door.

Pierre made it from his own room to Juliet's in record time as he quickly scanned the key card over the reader letting himself inside.

He dropped the key card on the floor after closing the door behind him before making his way over to the bed where the blonde girl was located.

The French driver let himself sit down next to her before reaching over and pulling her shaking body into his.

Straight away she realised who it was as the familiar smell of the Alpha Tauri driver filled her nose.

Pierre could feel the tears soak into his white shirt as he pulled her up so she was now sitting in his lap and instinctively wrapped his arms around her waist and hers found her way around his neck.

She held on tightly to the formula one driver, afraid that if she let go another person she loved would disappear from her life forever and she knew she couldn't lose anyone else in her life, not after Anthoine.

The pair sat in that position for nearly 15 minutes before laying down on the bed and staying wrapped up in each other's arms. Both of them comforted by one another's touch on an emotionally exhausting day.

 Both of them comforted by one another's touch on an emotionally exhausting day

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