The Fall (Niall Centric)

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Niall Horan woke up to the blinding light of the sun through the shades of his window. Sighing he closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep. The rhythm of his boyfriends breathing almost, put the little Irishman back to sleep when suddenly the alarm went off.

Liam shot up from bed and darted to the bathroom before Zayn could. Zayn takes forever in the bathroom trying to fix his hair in the morning. The curly haired boy sat up, stretching rolling his eyes at his boyfriends

"Liam open the door, I need to fix my hair," Zayn yelled as he banged on the door.

This was going to be a long day Niall thought.

Once the boys were dressed they sat down for breakfast. Louis smiled evilly as he poured the milk all over Harry's head. Harry screamed and the two boys began chasing each other around the hotel. The blonde Irish boy continued to eat his cereal hoping to finish his food before they had to leave for the concert.

"Guys please calm down. Harry get off of Louis. Hey save some of that action for the rest of us" Liam said as he got up from the table.

"Hey we have to leave for the concert soon so I suggest you eat," Zayn replied as he came out of the bathroom with his hair perfect.

Zayn walked over to Niall and planted a kiss on his lips before he sat down next to his Irish lover. Liam watched with a hint of jealousy in his eyes as he walked over and grabbed Niall by the face and pulled him in for a rougher kiss. Unlike Zayn's which was a little peck without tongue, Liam was shoving his tongue into Niall's mouth. Their tongues intertwined and both boys felt butterflies in their stomachs. After what seemed like ages the boys slowly pulled away from each other to breath. Liam smiled at Zayn as he went back to his seat. At this point Louis and Harry finally sat down to have some breakfast. Harry began pouring cereal when Niall began to laugh. And as everyone knows, when Niall starts laughing everyone has to join in because his little laugh is so contagious. The boys laughed for about five minutes before Niall had to stop because he had tears streaming down his face.

"I love you guys. I wouldn't want to change any of this for the world," Niall said as he looked at each of the boys. They might be goof balls and immature, but they were his goofy boyfriends. The boys cooed in response.

Louis went up to Niall and took his hand and whispered "I love you too Niall. You guys are the best thing to ever happen to me. Niall you are beyond perfect to me."

Niall blushed as Louis kissed his hand.

"Thanks babe" Niall said.

"If you two love birds are done, I think it's time we head over to the concert," Liam told Niall and Louis.

The boys headed out of the hotel to the car careful not to hold hands or be too obvious. See they were afraid to come out to the world that they were dating. Management told them to keep their love a secret incase the boys were not accepted. Liam wanted to tell the fans, though that they were dating. Louis and Zayn agreed with Liam, but Harry and Niall were hesitant. Niall feared rejection and getting hate and Harry just wanted to keep his little Nialler happy.

It was no secret that the one direction boys were very protective of Niall. He was far too innocent for his own good. He was kinda the baby of the group even though Harry is the youngest. Walking through the crowd the of fans to get in the car the boys put Niall in the middle to keep him safe. Harry and Zayn behind him and Louis and Liam in front of him. Liam kept turning around to make sure his baby Niall was still there. Harry help onto Niall's hand as they walked to the car not caring what people said. Zayn watched the paparazzi making sure none of them touched his Niall again. Louis cleared the path for the boys making sure the area did not get too crowded because of Niall's claustrophobia.

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