Tonsillectomy Gone Wrong (Niall Centric)

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could you do one where niall has to get tonsils out, and has a hard recovery? Like he gets really sick to his stomach and his throat like REALLY hurts?

I might have changed the prompt a little. Also sorry for taking so long to update. Life has been busy. I went to Prom and graduated high school. So yea but I hope to do weekly updates.

Also thank you so much for getting this story to over 20 thousand views. You guys rock!

"You're being a baby Niall" Louis groaned, banging on the bedroom door. "Open up right now or I will break the door down".

Liam shook his head, slightly rolling his eyes. Louis was definitely not helping the situation. "Ni", Liam cooed "Please open the door. I know you are scared, but we want to help".

"No" Niall screamed through the bedroom. His voice sounded distant indicating, he was probably hiding under the covers on the bed. The lads heard a sniffle come from the room and knew the blonde was crying.

"My turn" Zayn declared, stepping forward, giving off a cocky smile. Louis scoffed as he stepped aside. Louis secretly hoped Zayn would fail in getting Niall to open up the door. "Babe it is just tonsil surgery. It is nothing to get scared about".

"You're only saying that because it isn't your throat getting operated on" Niall replied, burrowing himself deeper in the bed.

"So are you saying that you want to live the rest of your life with a sore throat and bad breath" Harry asked, his voice carrying sarcasm.

"Maybe" Niall croaked, his voice coming out scratchy due to his inflamed tonsils. Harry chuckled to himself at the blonde's response. "Go away" he begged. "I want to be alone".

"Yea, not going to happen Ni" Louis responded, sass seeping into his voice. "We know you're scared, but you have to get the surgery".

"Why" Niall cried. The boys heard the bed creak slightly and they knew they were convincing Niall.

Zayn grinned and said "Open the door and we will tell you why".

"Why" Niall asked once more.

"Because we are your boyfriends and want to help you" Zayn replied, looking Louis dead in the eyes.

Much to Louis's annoyance, the bedroom door opened, revealing a puffy eyed Niall. He had a blanket draped over his shoulder and looked visibly frightened. Harry quickly wrapped his arms around Niall and pulled his boyfriend in for a hug.

The four boys cuddled with Niall, as they reassured him about the surgery. "Nothing will go wrong" Liam promised, kissing Niall on the forehead.

"We will be with you the whole time" Harry added, squeezing the blonde's shoulder.

Zayn cupped Niall's head and said "And imagine you would be able to eat food without crying about your throat". Niall nodded his head, clearly liking what Zayn was saying.

"You could kiss us all the time, since you won't have bad breath and such a sore throat" Louis informed, making his eyebrows go up and down. Niall giggled, but soon stopped when his throat screamed out in pain.

"Fine I'll get the dumb surgery" Niall agreed, finally giving into his boyfriends' pleas. He could never say no to them. Niall also couldn't imagine going another day with all this throat pain.

Liam pulled out his phone and said "I'll call the doctor and make the appointment. The sooner the surgery the better". Liam left the room, already talking to the doctor.

Niall gulped and buried his head in Zayn's chest. Zayn stroked the blonde's hair and whispered soothing words to him.

Liam strolled back into the room, looking very proud of himself. "I pulled some strings and was able to get Niall an appointment tomorrow for the surgery".

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