Growing Apart

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It happened almost overnight, Niall recalled. The lads had all decided to take a year break from One Direction, and at first it seemed like a great idea. All the concert and press tours had exhausted the boys, and pushed their relationship to the brink. It got so bad that Zayn left the band. A break was something they all desperately needed.

What Niall didn't expect was how quick him and lads would grow apart. The first one to stop texting and calling was Zayn. He had a new image to convey, and didn't want to be associated with the boys anymore. He wanted to have a mature audience for his edger songs, and being with One Direction would have made him seem like a kid. Niall understood his boyfriend's reasoning, but it didn't make it hurt any less. After Zayn released his new album, he cut off all communication with the boys.

The next to disappear was Harry. At first he was busy filming a new war movie, so it made sense that he didn't have time to call Niall. But then the movie wrapped, and Harry began working on his own solo album. Days would go by where the Niall would not hear from his boyfriend. Niall didn't even know Harry recorded an album until he announced it on twitter. He swore his heart broke a little when he read the tweet.

Liam was the next one to ditch the relationship. Everytime Niall would call, Liam would have conveniently misplaced his phone. The gym and club became Liam's life, as he made up for lost time. He could stay up all night and party without having to worry about the repercussions. He didn't want to think about his responsibilities or relationship, Liam wanted to be free.

Louis held out the longest, trying to keep in constant contact with the boys. The calls from him became less frequent when the others wouldn't pick up. Louis was not going to be the only one who put an effort into the relationship. If the others weren't going to call him, then why should he. His last call was to Niall, telling him he needed a break from everybody.

To say Niall was heartbroken was an understatement. All those promises of staying together as a band and as boyfriends were lies. It hurt to even think about it. Those weeks without the boys took its toll on Niall. He hid in his house and watched sports all day. He hardly went outside, and his family grew worried for his health.

Music was what saved Niall from truly spiralling down the wrong path. Through music he could express his feelings, and not feel so alone. When he had the guitar in his hand, he felt like he was back with One Direction.

He was beyond surprised when his single This Town took off on the music chart. He always assumed he was the fans least favorite member of the group, but the amount of support his song received disproved that theory. The press tour took Niall's mind off of his loneliness. The empty void in his heart was partially filled for the time being.

The other lads each released solo songs as well. Niall loved each of their songs with all his heart. He played them everyday, excited to hear their beautiful voices. He made sure to text them about how much he loved their songs. In return he got nothing about his song, which was disappointing. All he ever received were some supportive tweets from the lads.

The first time Niall performed solo, he almost walked off stage. It didn't feel right being all alone on the stage. The spotlight was way too bright, and he hated that everyone's eyes were on him. If he screwed up he would have no one to fall back on. He pushed through it though, and sang his heart out. He left everything on the stage, his heartache and longing to be held by his boyfriends.

He hit his first performance out of the park and the world was blown away by him. He rose to fame without his boyfriends and it felt strange. The phone calls came in to have him in the iheartmusic festival and award shows. Niall was honored to even be considered to perform on those stages. He gladly accepted any invitation he received, proving once again that he had real talent.

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