Half A Heart (Zayn Centric)

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"Zayn please don't go" Niall begged, clutching onto Zayn's leg.

Zayn chuckled at his boyfriend. "Niall it's not like I'm breaking up with you. I'm just leaving the band".

"Please don't leave us" Liam pleaded "One Direction is the five of us not four."

"Yea how can we perform without you? I don't even want to imagine it" Louis added in.

Zayn looked over at his four boyfriends to see them all crying. The boy felt his lip begin to wobble, but he bit his lip. He needed to stay strong for his boyfriends. Gently, Zayn moved Niall's hands off of his leg. Niall lay sprawled out on the floor, his blue eyes bloodshot from crying. Liam kneeled down next to the blonde and embraced him in a hug. Liam shushed Niall moving him back and forth.

Louis wanted to say something, anything that would make Zayn stay. But Lou knew this was what Zayn wanted and who was Louis to stop his boyfriend from following his heart. Louis stood in the middle of the room defeated, wiping his falling tears on his sleeve.

It was all up to Harry to convince Zayn to stay in the band. Liam was busy helping Niall. Liam wanted to force Zayn to stay but knew that was not what his boyfriend wanted. So instead Liam distracted himself by soothing Niall even more.

"Are you sure this is what you want" Harry asked. If Zayn said yes then Harry wouldn't try and fight it, but if he said no Harry wasn't going to let his boyfriend leave.

"Yes Harry this is what I want. I hate the spotlight and want to be normal. Please know I want this. I still love you guys and we'll still be together for as long as you want me, but I can't be in the band anymore. I'm unhappy, I stopped enjoying the concerts and performing." Zayn cried.

Harry nodded and put his head down his lip beginning to tremble. Fresh tears flowed down Harry's face when he realized Zayn was leaving the band and there was nothing he could do about it.

"I love you boys" Zayn called out, before shutting the door. Walking down the hallway, Zayn allowed himself to cry. He hated seeing his boyfriends sob. He just wanted to run back in the room and hug and kiss them, but he couldn't. Zayn needed to leave the hotel before he changed his mind.

Safely in the back of the car Zayn sunk down in the backseat and bawled his eyes out.


The four boys were still in the same positions when Zayn left them. Louis kept watching the door, hoping Zayn would come running back in and say he changed his mind. Harry paced the room beginning to indent the carpet due to his constant walking. Niall's sobs had calmed down, now the boy could breathe normally. Liam rubbed the blonde's back feeling his heart shatter into a thousand pieces.

Niall felt like his whole world was falling apart. Who would he mess with during What Makes You Beautiful? Who would make him smile on stage? Who was going to protect him from the fans and haters? Niall didn't know what he was going to do at the next concert. He needed Zayn; he practically depended on the boy for everything. The blonde closed his eyes and pictured Zayn still in the room with them. He replayed old memories and knew that today everything was going to change. Niall began hiccupping in between his cries. The boy didn't know how he was going to continue the On The Road Again Tour.

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