The Break-Up Plan (Niall Centric)

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Louis growled when he was woken by his alarm in the morning. The boy had gotten little to no sleep thanks to Liam blasting music all night. To say the boys’ were having a rough week was an understatement. One Direction seemed to be at each other's throats every second of the day. Louis shuffled out of bed groaning, thinking about how jam packed their day was. It was interview after interview. Opening the door to his bedroom Louis saw Liam sitting on the couch with his headphones on.

Liam took his headphones off when Louis entered the room. “Did you sleep well” Liam asked.

Louis laughed was Liam really playing stupid. “Just fine” Louis said, putting as much venom as he could into his words.

“Is something wrong?” Liam questioned innocently.

“Oh you know I’m just peachy after getting no sleep last night thanks to you”

“What did I do?”

“Don’t play dumb Liam. All I heard last night was your shitty music blasting from your room.”

“My music is not shitty you asshole. Besides I didn’t even have it turned up loud.”

“I’m so glad it wasn’t loud or else it would have kept me up all night”

“I could have sworn I turned it off before I went to sleep”

“Well obviously you didn’t” Louis sassed. The boy was annoyed beyond belief and just wanted to go back to sleep.

Louis walked over to the fridge to eat his leftover food from last night. Opening the door the boy groaned in frustration.

“What is it now” Liam barked. He was not in the mood for a moody Louis.   

Louis groaned “The food is gone.”

“Just eat mine if it will make you happy”

“Yours is gone too.”

Both boys shot each other glaring looks. “I’m going to wake up Niall” Liam declared getting up from the couch.

Louis followed Liam he needed to see if his blonde boyfriend had touched his food. The lights in the room were turned on and Niall hid under his blankets hissing at the light. On the boy’s bed sat the boxes of leftover food. Crumbs were scattered all over the bed and Niall.

“What the hell Niall” Louis screamed scaring his boyfriend.

“Louis calm down” Liam said, placing his hand on Louis’s shoulder.

Louis shrugged his shoulder, making Liam’s arm fall off. “You’re both assholes” Louis said under his breath as he stormed out of the room.

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