A New Home and Family (Louis Centric)

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Can you do one where there’s four member of 1d-liam,zayn,niall and Harry. On the way home from a concert they see boys attacking another boy(Louis) they save him and get him cleaned up. They find out that Louis’ 15 and homeless. So the boys adopt him and look after him.. One day.. They hear Louis singing and Louis joins one direction.. You can finish the ending thanks x Tweaked the prompt a little bit sorry.

Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Harry Styles, and Zayn Malik made up the band known as One Direction. They toured the world singing in a different city every night and were loved by all. What the world didn’t know was the four boys were in a secret relationship. One person who loved the band was a boy named Louis Tomlinson. He lived in a small town in England called Doncaster. Louis wasn’t sure how old he was but he was guessing around 17 to 18.  

Louis would watch the boys whenever he could. This meant standing in front of the TV shop near the alley he, called home and watching them sing. Louis has been homeless ever since he can remember. The allay place on the corner of the street is where Lou would sleep. Sometimes though when it was nice out or when the stars could be seen Louis would sleep on a park bench. The boy tried to go to school, but he was bullied and had no computer to do homework on. Lou was failing many of his classes and probably would not be graduating at the end of the year. Louis lived a sad, lonely life and was waiting for his life to finally turn around.

The boy woke up on the hard wooden bench in the park. He shivered realizing newspaper are not very good blankets. Sighing he sat up and folded the newspapers into neat little squares and put them back in his plastic bag. Louis didn’t know when he would need the paper again. He stretched his arms and back hearing a satisfying crack come from his back. He debated on whether or not he should go to school. Finally he decided school because he received free food at lunch. The lunch ladies pitied the homeless kid and gave him the leftovers. Louis watched the sun rise in the morning before he began his walk to school bracing himself for the ridicule he would face today.

Louis arrived at school the same time the buses did. He took a deep breath and walked to the front door, hoping no one would notice him but of course everyone did. Who could miss the boy who wore the same clothes everyday to school? The boy didn’t even have a backpack. He would simply leave his textbooks in a locker and never take them out of it. “Hey freak weren’t you wearing that shirt yesterday” his bully Josh yelled earning snickers from some of the other students.

“Ewww he stinks” a girl shrieked holding her nose. Louis looked down at the ground feeling humiliated and darted into the school before the bullies could think of anymore mean comments.

The homeless boy sat down in his first period class and braced himself for the stares and rude comments. The bell rung and in walked the class shooting daggers and disgusted looks straight at Louis. The boy hid under his textbook waiting for the teacher to begin the lesson.

The final bell of the day rung and Louis ran out of the building. He decided he wouldn’t be going back to school for a couple days since he took enough food at lunch to last 3 days. Looking in his plastic bag Louis counted 2 red apples and three bananas. He smiled to himself and made his way towards the alley. Little did Louis know he was being followed by Josh, who decided it was time to teach the homeless a boy a lesson. Josh planned on having Louis never come to school again and he figured a good beating would keep the boy away. Louis felt a sharp pain in his head and fell to the ground. His vision got blurry and then the world went black.

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