A Trip to the Zoo (Niall Centric)

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Niall woke in the morning with a pounding in his head. Sitting up Niall groaned in pain. He felt like someone was hitting him in the head with a hammer. He saw he was the only one in bed. That surprised Niall usually Zayn and Louis slept the latest. He turned over to check the time. Grabbing his phone, he clicked the button to check the time. He was blinded by the light of the phone and yelped in pain. The light seemed to make his headache ten times worst. Niall fell back on the bed annoyed. His head was killing him and now he felt nauseous. The boy knew leaving bed would probably make him throw up. Maybe sleep would help so Niall closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

Liam sat at the kitchen counter waiting for Harry to finish making breakfast. The boys were planning something special for Niall today. The boy had practically been begging to go to the zoo since their last day off which was 2 months ago. Zayn and Louis reserved the zoo for the day, meaning they would be the only ones in there all day. The two boys actually got up early this morning so they could drive over to the zoo and set up the picnic area.  It would be a relaxing day and Liam was so excited. Harry smiled at Liam obviously just as excited as Liam to surprise their sleeping boyfriend.

Harry’s phone buzzed and he saw Louis texted he was on his way. The curly haired boy jumped with glee. Harry couldn’t wait to see Niall’s face. Louis and Zayn busted through the door five minutes later looking very proud of themselves.

“Can we go wake up now”, Louis whined, looking at Liam who kept insisting they let Niall sleep.

Liam sighed “Fine.”

“Yay” Louis gleamed running up the stairs to a sleeping Niall.

Zayn stayed right behind Louis pinching the boy on the bum. Louis screamed in delight throwing a look at Zayn.

Louis barged into the dark room and flipped on the light switch. Niall screamed and quickly hid under the blankets. “Lou what do you want” Niall groaned.

Rolling his eyes Louis jumped onto the bed next to Niall “Get up sleepyhead. We have a surprise for you”.

“Just let me sleep” Niall grumbled.

“Not a chance” Zayn chimed in smirking at Louis.

“If you don’t get up Zayn and I will just have to sing like dying cats” Louis sassily replied.

Knowing his head could not handle a screeching Louis and Zayn; Niall quickly responded “Okay I’m up. Give me five minutes and I’ll be downstairs.” Niall waited until he heard his door shut before he shuffled out of bed. Turning off the light Niall knew today was going to be a horrible day.

He looked in the mirror was blown away by what he saw. Niall was paler than usual and had bags under his eyes. All the movement sent his stomach in a frenzy and next thing Niall knew he was sprawled on the toilet throwing up his dinner. Groaning Niall sat up and went towards the sink and brushed his teeth. His stomach felt a little better, but he knew he shouldn’t push himself. Niall washed his face and put on a pair of baggy shorts and a loose tank top. He grabbed a pair of black sunglasses to block the light and put them while shutting the bathroom door.

“I thought you were never coming down Ni.” Liam remarked with a smile on his face.

“Yea you said five minutes, but it was more like 15” Louis replied laughing.

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