The Haunted Hotel

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This is for one of my best friends Peter. They also have a wattpad account where they post One Direction stories. Please check them out. Peter has an amazing story called Stockholm Prince. If you read the story you get free cookies and a hug from me. Feveryoucantwriteout this is Peter's account.

One Direction was in the middle of the On The Road Again Tour. Every night they were in a different city playing at a different gig. The boys were exhausted, sleeping on the bus began to wear them down. Well all the lads except Louis, he could sleep anywhere. The performances were full of less energy, since the lads were running on fumes. It was only a matter of time, before One Direction would collapse on stage from exhaustion. They needed to catch up on sleep, if they were going to finish the tour. Paul decided to let the One Direction boys sleep in a hotel for the week.

It would be much comforter than the bed on the tour bus. The beds wouldn't be constantly moving and they could sleep in peace and quiet. One Direction would continually wake up all through the night to cars honking. Niall and Harry were ecstatic to finally sleep in a place that doesn't move constantly. Liam could finally go to the gym and get his workout in. He was craving a good workout. Zayn was happy to be able to draw in peace and quiet. He quickly learned on the tour that drawing on the bus was impossible. All the bumps and turns made his pictures come out horribly. And Louis didn't really care where he slept, as long as he had a bed he was fine.

The hotel the lads would be staying at was old and relatively small. It only had six floors and was located very close to the stadium. The boys would be playing five nights in the same city, since the show sold out so quickly. They would get the weekend off to sleep and do whatever else they wanted.

Paul rented out the entire hotel, so the lads wouldn't be disturbed. Each boy would be staying on a different floor to ensure their safety. Niall was staying on the sixth floor, Louis on the fifth, Zayn on the fourth, Harry on the third, and Liam on the second floor because that was where the gym was. Paul and the rest of the crew would occupy the bottom floor.

The tour buses pulled up to the hotel and Niall sighed in relief. He really wanted to take a long, steaming hot shower and relax. The owner of the building stood outside, waving everyone inside. "Come in" he greeted, a smile plastered on his face. Niall waved at the owner, but was ignored. The blonde saw his name tag said Peter.

Peter had dark brown skin like chocolate. He stood hunched over and sported a French mustache, that he continually twirled around his finger. The suit he was wearing looked like it belonged in Victorian England. An eye patch covered his left eye, and Peter's hair was slicked back with way too much hair gel. His hair looked fake and plastic kinda like a doll's hair. Peter looked like a James Bond villain.

Peter seemed to be waiting for someone, his head kept darting around. But then Peter found the person he was searching for. A huge grin erupted on his face, when Zayn emerged from the bus. Niall giggled, figuring the hotel owner had a crush on Zayn.

The hotel owner scurried over to Zayn, a creepy smile on his face. He seduced Zayn saying, "excuse me sir, a-are you tired? Because you've been running through my mind all day long. My name's Peter, but you can call me Mr. Malik."

A look of pure horror spread across Zayn's face. He didn't know how to respond to the man, who was now trying to kiss his hand.

Liam decided to head over to the gym, after watching Peter attempt to serenade Zayn. Liam enjoyed watching Zayn suffer, so didn't try to help his boyfriend. He gave Niall a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'll come find you later" he promised, disappearing inside the hotel. Harry came out next carrying his and Niall's bags.

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