Letter 2

617 99 18

8th October 2015

Dearest Zem,

My stupid, annoying heart tries convincing me to write again in the hopes that you'll write back. I have a recurring dream that you are reading my letters. That you smile at the sappy parts and giggle whenever I say something foolish.

Zem, I can't mention how much I regret not meeting with you before leaving. Will you believe it if I say that I'd come to your doorstep before leaving for the airport but left soon after ringing the doorbell? I know you're thinking that I'm lying but I promise, it's the truth. You can ask Kyle.

BTW, did he call?

Anyways, I regret not seeing you one last time.

There are so many things I want to tell you, Zem. I want to tell you what I have witnessed during my missions, my conversations with Tag and to open up about Sofia.

Remember the tattoos on my bicep you kept asking about. I want to open my heart and tell you everything. Because you take my scary bits away, darling.

Every time you look at me, I feel a part of me being restored. I don't know why but I feel like you are that artist who will paint me saved, draw me as an original.

Gosh! I can be so sappy in writing. Right?

Zemira, I am an ignorant fool to hurt you. Without you by my side, I am realizing my real weakness. How much I need my darling girl's support to endure life.

Zem Zem, you have become the air I breathe.

Tomorrow, we have a new mission; a task to secure a larger perimeter. I want it to succeed because I want to return home to you.

I am done with this life, darling. Every day away from you is hurting me.

Gorgeous, I hope you're doing well. I pray that you're happy and that you're healing from your sorrows. If only there is a way of knowing. But for now, all I can do is hope that you read this and smile.

Till next time.

Fake fiancé, friends forever...

Your, Leo

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