Rise 25

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Rise 25

“Elm, Goddess of Wind. The mischievous. She is the guardian deity of long journeys and the patron of those who travels both on land and water.”
-Journal of Pope Vernal, Founder of the Three Divine Church

Leona woke up on a familiar room.

“P-Princess?” Amber who just entered her room immediately got teary-eyed.

“Amber? Are we back in Solas?” Leona asked, then memories of what happened replayed in her mind and she sat up on her bed, “Amber, where are my brothers? Are they safe? How about my father?”

“Calm down, Princess. Everyone’s safe.” Amber

One of the maids who was with Amber ran to notify the entire palace that the princess finally woke up.

“As of now, your father is still unconscious. But he is safe and well according to the doctors.” Amber explained as she sat down on the bed beside her.

Leona breathed a sigh of relief after hearing that.

“How long was I unconscious?” she inquired

“Three days.” Amber

It was her first time fighting someone of that calibre, and it may seem like an easy win, but it wasn’t. She’s not surprise that she was out cold for that long.

That battle helped her grew stronger. But the damage it caused was catastrophic.

“I’m just glad that you’re safe.” Amber said

Seeing the worry on Amber’s face, Leona asked, “Is something wrong, Amber?”

“It’s your brother, the Crown Prince. He’s in trouble.” Amber

“What do you mean?” Leona

“Since he’s of age, he was the one who temporarily took over the crown now that your father is unconscious.”

“Is it the queen? Is she causing problems for my brother?” Leona

Amber nodded her head, “I heard she’s opposing the Crown Prince’ temporary delegation. She have the support of the Aristocrats.”

In the Kingdom of Solas, the nobles are divided into two groups, the Imperialists and the Aristocrats.

The Imperialists are the noble families who pledge loyalty to the royal family of Solas, the Romulus. They are lead by the Duke of Edenburg, the grandparents of Archer and Asher. The Lord of Horus and the Lord of the Northern Boarder are also part of this group, as well as Alexander and Damon’s families.

The Aristocrats on the other hand are the noble families who face off with the Imperialists for the right of nobilities. They originally doesn’t support any prince, but they are hostile towards the current Crown Prince. They claim that the next ruler must be chosen based on ability, not by birth right.

However, because of the queen’s evil schemes, she was able to get the support of the Aristocrats. And since she’s still technically the current queen, she’s part of the royal family so some of the Imperialists are torn if they should step in or not.

“Don’t worry Amber. Everything will be alright.” Leona reassured her.

Although politics is not her forte, Leona is not worried.

In front of true strength, tricks and schemes are just like specks of dust, not worthy of her attention.

She’s not a thug, but if they dare try to cause further trouble, Leona won’t mind paying those Aristocrats a visit to make them submit to the Crown Prince.

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