Rise 20

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Rise 20
Band of Misfits

There are moments when silence can be so loud it hurts.”
-BeforetheStorm, by P. Cordelia

There exists a paradise called  Elysium, the place where the gods resides. For millions of years, the gods fought with demons to maintain the balance of the world, however, a crisis have arisen in the last few years.

“This is a huge problem!” a man said seriously,  he look like a painting, so ethereal. He is Terran, the god of the Earth.

“The Demon Lord is back on the battlefield.” Added a handsome youth, his beauty is like a cold ice sculpture. He is Lark, the god of ice.

“Arius is the Supreme God, we need him.” A beautiful maiden added, a mermaid in human form, her eyes filled with wisdom. She is Azure, the goddess of water.

“Solstice why did you failed in such a simple mission? You should have drag him back here!” Terran

The man with the noble appearance of a humanoid lion simply kept silent, he is Solstice the god of Light.

“I dont understand why Arius is staying in the mortal realm? His wounds should have healed by now.” Commented Aster coldly, the god of fire.

“Me too. Is he perhaps playing around? He probably forgotten all his responsibilities here.” Added Lark

“Come on, cut him some slack. Arius has been on the battlefield for thousands of years!” said a beautiful young maiden, Elm, the goddess of the wind.

“Elm stop siding with him, we all know about your one-sided feelings towards Arius.” Interjected a beautiful maiden, Clementine, the goddess of sounds.

“Hey! My personal feelings have nothing to do with this!” Elm reacted strongly

“Calm down.. Remember that you’re no longer a novice god, act more appropriately.” a handsome young man cut in, his aura is very similar to a class rep or a class president, Dusk, the god of metal.

Elm immediately lowered her head.

“Ainsley what do you think?” asked Dusk to the god of Thunder

An adorable little twelve year old boy can be seen sitting comfortably at the center of the gathering. He is Ainsley, the god of thunder and one of the most powerful god of today.

“Papa deserves a vacation.” the kid answered


“Dont worry, I’ll handle the Demon Lord as we wait for papa to come home.” The cute little kid added, he pops his cheeks with a determined look, making him more adorable.

The gods could only heave a collective sighs.

Without the supreme god, Ainsley’s words held the most weight. Even the previous supreme god Solstice listens to Ainsley’s words like an obedient kid.

And with that, the meeting of the gods was adjourn.


Samantala, makalipas ang ilang araw matapos ang Annual Trial of Fire ay inilabas ang resulta ng exam, isiniwalat din ang pangalan ng top 1000 sa ranking board ng Xyrus Academia.

“Rank 9th??”
“She should be ranked 1st!”
“Lady Alanis is obviously the strongest! Why is she only ranked 9th on the leader board??”
“I heard that Sir Kakashi from Kosen was ranked 1st, he ran to the faculty office to file a complaint.. He claims that Lady Alanis should be the one at the top of the rankings.”
“The three princes of Solas also did the same.”
“Even emperor Damon.”
“So why didn’t the faculty change their decision?”
“They explained that Lady Alanis didn’t have enough points.”
“Well, it doesn’t matter. Everyone already acknowledged the fact that she’s the strongest.”
“But look at that! It turns out that the Princess of Solas enrolled as an Emitter Major!”
“Really? Princess Leona?”
“Yes! She was ranked 97th on the leader board!”
“Woah! Was she that capable? I thought she’s a good for nothing?”
“Hahaha NO! She was just lucky.”
“What do you mean?”
“Rumours says that she only lasted in the exam by hiding from everyone..”
You’re right. I don’t even remember seeing her in the entire duration of the exam.”
“Typical Emitter mindset.. What a loser..”
“Hahahaha I know right.. No wonder she have such a reputation.”
“Her brothers were on the top 15.. But the princess is such a weakling. I’ll be ashamed if she was my sister.”
“I know right?”

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