Jackson the seducer - Percabeth 2 - Fluff asf

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The romantic moves of Perceus Jackson, Due to the popular request, I bring to you Jackson the seducer, including the original shirt buttoned wrong incident :)


-Percy is a hopeless romantic, he loves to make Annabeth blush (both in a cute way and out of severe embarrassment) Annabeth loves romantic stuff, but she's private about it (so cute proposal on the beach, yes, proposal on the beach in front of everyone, no), so he goes out of his way to be as extra possible, examples of this would be 

       a)On Valentines day one year Annabeth was joking around about how a twelve year old      Hermes camper had written a poem to declare his love to a Hecate camper and read it out loud during archery, that evening Percy serenaded the camp with a cheesy song  he composed with Leo's help "Annabeth from above" And the entire camp was howling while Annabeth was as red as a tomato

      b) On any random day Percy will run up to Annabeth frantically about "ANNIE HOW COULD YOU FORGET OUR 1878th HOUR ANNIVERSARY!! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME! BUT NOOOO! YOU CANT EVEN REMEMBER THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT DAY OF THE YEAR!!" Then he'll stomp off dramatically, (heck he's not Persassy for nothing)

       c) He gets down on one knee in the most unfortunate situations to freak her out. Annabeth's about to capture the flag and Percy drops to one knee in front of her, then ties his shoe lace, and this becomes a regular thing, she gets used to it and it doesn't startle her anymore, but it always freaks out the other campers, specifically any new campers who aren't aware of Percy and his shenanigans, so sometimes kids will start cheering and swooning and then Percy will pull a rock out of his shoe, get back up, grab Annabeth's hand and they continue on their way

-Leo and Percy get closer with these ridiculous Annabeth embarrassing projects, and I strongly believe Leo, Frank and Jason helped him propose

-Every time Percy try's to do something genuinely romantic (Ask her to move in together, ask her on a date, propose etc.) He falls into some body of water, it happens every single time. No one knows why, but Athena has a good laugh up on Mount Olympus every time he takes a swim.

-I'm very convinced that at one point Percy and Annabeth used box dye to make the strand of hair that was grey from holding Atlas's burden blue, I feel like that entire book was so important for the development of their relationship and they both recognize the effect it had on them, so this would be a cute way to acknowledge and pay homage to a traumatizing situation that brought them closer..

-Percy loves to braid Annabeth's hair he gets pretty dam good at it after a few months, eventually he puts a few seashells on thread and braids the seashell thread through her hair making her look like a mermaid. On one of their visits to Percy's family, Estelle notices her braid and begs Percy to do it for her

-During their time at school in New Rome, neither is particularly sure what to do with all the free time that would normally be filled with death threats from ancient beings or monster attacks, so Percy signs them up for a couples painting class and on sunday he makes a mess out of a canvas while Annabeth paints little things like flowers. Percy hates painting, however he hangs every painting Annabeth makes in her dorm for her, then later when they move in together they are scattered all over the house.

-Percy definitely didn't ask Mr Chase's permission to marry Annabeth, instead he asked Thalia, and not like a "do i have your blessing" more  like "You guys have been through so much together and you're family so I just wanted to give you a heads up i'm asking her to marry me, and if she says yes I really hope you'll drop in for the wedding" Thalia smiled so much her mouth hurt on the other side of the Iris message

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