Nico coming out to Hazel

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THANK YOU SM TO riptide2406 for this idea I'm so in love with it so thank you so much

THANK YOU SM TO riptide2406 for this idea I'm so in love with it so thank you so much

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TW- mentions of homophobia

This is an emotional chapter, if this is a theme that will upset you please don't read it. Nico fights with himself and intrusive thoughts before coming out to Hazel, both are originally from a time period where homosexuality was not widely accepted, both have to wrestle with unlearning the internalized homophobia. 

This is dedicated to anyone who suffered intolerance from a family member when trying to live their truth, you're so incredibly strong and I'm so so proud of you. This story has a happy ending and so can yours <3


Nico's pov:

After having spoken to Paolo, I felt very conflicted. Part of me was relieved to have had that conversation and that the reaction wasn't at all what I expected, Paolo had been very suspiciously kind. But the other part of me felt an even greater weight now that someone knew. 

I felt weirdly guilty that I hadn't told Hazel first. I wanted to tell her so bad, a pulling desire to finally feel like my sister knows me, all of me. But no matter how much I want to, I can't suppress the crippling nausea, I can't slow my racing heart, I can't dry my sweaty palms, I can't stop my spinning mind. I've already lost one sister, I dam well can't lose another. 

This thought set him on a perilous trail of intrusive thoughts,

Would Bianca have supported me?

Would my mother have supported me?

I would never know.
If I tell Hazel, it has to go well. It has to. She's the only family I have left. Paolo had assured me Hazel would have my back, I'm not so sure. In all honestly I'm not sure what her view on this is? The last time she was alive it was very different, hell it was different when I was alive and I'm younger then her. I have no idea what she know's about homosexuality, definitely not what she thinks of it. Gods it's scary. 

A knock on the door startles me from my aggressive pacing, my eyes shoot upwards from the floor to see Jason in the doorway,

"Hey man, sorry to uhhh...Interrupt?" He started, seemingly confused.

"Ah no worries I was just thinking" I did my best to dismiss casually, I saw his face change from confusion to a face of understanding, his eyes look sad.

"Yea I get it no worries, I was just coming to give you a heads up that the Romans are gonna be showing up tomorrow morning! I noticed you've been a little more quiet then usual and I thought you might wanna know... Maybe start setting up Hazel's "modesty curtain" to save her some time tomorrow??" We both chuckle at the memory of tiny Hazel trying to hang a giant curtain across our cabin after defeating the supreme earth goddess (seemingly more frustrated by the first of those two activities).

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