Some more random headcannons

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More headcanons heehee ft some appreciation for secondary/minor characters <3 If you disagree please tell me your point of view. This lovely fanart above is exactly how I envision Silena, Drew.

There are two or three minor swears in this



- Just an idea here, what if after Nico dies, and goes to Elysium, Hades keeps his room ready, and he's always welcome there. IDK just the idea of Nico as a spirit popping in to have coffee with his dad on Sunday's is really cute to me.

-Frank and Nico get pretty close after HoO, they were friendly before but I think that they'd have such an interesting dynamic, Frank is very genuine, patient and understanding, I think Nico would really appreciate that. They go on "walks of silence" together, no one else is allowed to come, they simply walk around camp silently, both enjoy the company and they will occasionally speak, but if they do its never frivolous small talk, its either Nico discussing coming to terms with his sexuality or Frank asking if Nico has heard of his mother in the underworld.

-Nico loves the Hypnos cabin, he'll never let anyone know but on nights where Will's busy and he cant sleep he'll slip into the cabin and sleep under one of the piles of pillows (definitely embarrassed to just ask Clovis) he thinks he's super slick with his stealthy entrances.

-Clovis definitely knows, he may not be the most switched on but he's not oblivious to the point he wont notice another human entering his cabin, he confers with the few other children of Hypnos and they all put a few extra pillows out and turn a blind eye.

-Lacy is the hairstylist of the camp, she cuts everyone's hair and is dam good at it, she started with very basic, simple trims for her brothers and snipping dead ends for her sisters, until Drew very quietly asks her to cut curtain bangs for her and is stunned by how incredible it looks. Then Clarisse comes to see her after getting chewing gum stuck in her hair and asks her to remove it in the least atrocious way possible and she ends up with subtle layers. Slowly the entire camp starts knocking on cabin 10 for hair tips or cuts.

-Will and Lacey could literally open a salon together, he does eyebrows while she does hair (sometimes a reluctant younger boy camper will approach Will all shy or embarrassed about asking to do his eyebrows and it makes Will so happy every time to assure the boy that he's totally happy to help and that there's nothing to be shy about).

-Drew and Clarisse are so similar to me on so many levels, they're softies with tough exteriors as defense mechanisms (one with physical violence and one with verbal violence) and both are ruthless when confronted. I think they would have this mutual respect thing, and occasionally when the Hermes cabin is messing with people they'll team up and practically annihilate the Stolls, the whole camp learns to fear the Tanaka-La Rue combo.

-Drew rocks stretch marks like an absolute ethereal queen.

-Damien and Chiara are the most shipped slow-burn at Camp Half Blood since the OG Percabeth, their flirty bickering is the background soundtrack of camp at this point. Eventually everyone is so done that the campers (lead by the Stolls of course) try to put an end to the madness by simply locking them in the armory for a few hours. That doesn't work and Damien insists the lipstick on his face is just sunburn (?).

-My bestie Pãolo (opaaaa brasileiro) speaks way more English then he lets on, its mentioned that he understands well, but let's just imagine, he's at a full english speaking camp, he would definitely pick it up quickly enough. He doesn't necessarily play dumb, he just doesn't go out of his way to show off, so he hears much more then he lets on and certainly uses that to his advantage during capture the flag or sparring, he allows his opponents to underestimate him, and takes them by surprise.

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