SoN trio headcanons + Annabeth ft Nico

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Frank, Hazel and Percy's friendship makes my heart happy so I really felt the need to do this. In my head they (and Annabeth + Nico) incarnate a "familia de corazón" which is a chosen family. They have such a nice dynamic I just adore it. So enjoy :)


-Frank, Percy and Hazel are definitely the friendship of the seven that lasts, they keep in touch for a few years when they're all over the place with school and all, but once they've all graduated/begin adulthood, and both couples are living together they fall into a patter, every two weeks they take turns at one or the others place. Either Percabeth's downtown Manhattan apartment or Frank's home in Vancouver.  Frank, Percy and Hazel all developed a family-like bond, and I think Annabeth joins that crew, Frank and Hazel both really look up to her and I think it makes for a really wonderful chosen family. Nico is already Hazel's family and I think he kinda ducks in and out, he isn't a consistent member but he's always welcome, he does like his alone time but he occasionally enjoys the company.

-Frank and Hazel wanted a nickname for Annabeth, they tend to switch between "Annie" and "Beth". Beth kinda catches wind when they're a little older and more established as family, Hazel says it first super late at night when they're goofing around in Percabeth's Manhattan apartment (Perce is at CHB finalizing Percabeth's little house in what will eventually be New Greece and Frank is hosting an archery seminar.

-When Frank approaches Annabeth about remodeling his house and about his little project to make sure that the house is nice for Hazel "just in case" she wants to move in, it marks a bit of a milestone in Frank and Annabeth's friendship, they spend tons of time designing the upgrades, rebuilding the rooms of his childhood and adding the rooms he wants to live his future out in. Some of the listen ideas include: 

a) A big room for their mementos from the bazillion quests (Including the drawings she hung in her room in Alaska. (Frank definitely went back to get those and surprised her with them, along with some old pictures)
b) A room with a glass roof for stargazing
c) An art room that's mostly windows so it opens up into the nature around it after Hazel mentions that she loves taking inspiration from the wilderness for her watercolor paintings
d) A winding staircase ("Hazel said that when she was a kid she always wanted to have a winding staircase... Like those princesses in story books I think?"
and finally
e) **in a hushed whisper** "maybe rooms that don't have a lot of purpose? Like kinda empty? Someday they could be   k i d s    r o o m s... maybe..."  
The list ends up being pages long and they have full sketchbooks of plans before beginning construction.

-They have a whats-app chat, it consists of Hazel and Annabeth having conversations, Hazel overusing emojis, Frank sending memes or typing with proper punctuation, also using :) , :(  ,<3  and :3. Percy sending random memes he makes (all with incorrect grammar to irk Frank and Annabeth, most of them are random pictures of Frank doing something stupid with a snarky caption) And Hazel liking literally every message sent.

-At Frazel's wedding they don't do best man and maid of honor, but Persassy and Blondie are bridesmaid and groomsman (respectively), Nico walks Hazel down the isle. (Its a super traditional wedding, the kind that a little girl in Louisiana in the 1930's would dream about, she'd wear a huge poofy princess dress and would look absolutely stunning (Frank cries, a lot,)

-When Hazel turns 18 its a huge deal, they celebrate at Frank's house, they take a week off any duties, Annabeth takes her shopping, and she has her first drink ( a customized champagne that was a birthday gift sent in from Piper, the bottle is a pretty gold color and it has a gorgeous fancy label with "Hazel" written across it in sparkling cursive)

-Frank tirelessly tries to teach the other three archery, doesn't work, after his foot is impaled and narrowly losing an eye he puts erasers on the sharp point of each arrow (Percy cant hold the bow right, Annabeth cant aim and Hazel starts laughing.)

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