Paolo appreciation because I can muahah

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This amazing art is by giannastead on Deviantart <3

OKAY I had a really weird dream last night (as always) And I was at camp, and there were like six versions of every demigod (terrifying, Annabeth as a brunette and Percy as a blond *shivers*) And then that somehow made me think about the limited info on my bestie Paolo (he showed up as his canon self, a pasty white redhead, a tan blonde surfer dude and a french guy, It scared me), so while I'm working on another long ass chapter (that I cried my eyes out writing) Here's yet another filler because I love heheh


•He has a super heavy accent, ( I personally imagine it as a southern Brazilian accent (Gaucho vibes))

•He smells like sandalwood

•Bi with a preference for women

•His favorite season is spring, he loves the warm rain

•Morning person, he goes to bed at like 9:30

•One time Connor and Travis woke him up past his bed time and he threw a slipper out the window at them


•Owns a billion pairs of fluffy slippers (that he throws at the Stolls)

•Completely oblivious to people's obvious crushes on him (Percy-style)

•super friendly, gets along with everyone,

•Him and Franks are buds idc no one can convince me otherwise they exchange pastry recipes and baking tips

•He has the biggest crush on Valentina but is super shy to say anything so he decides to just be the best friend he can

•No one notices his crush on her, everyone notices her crush on him, 

•Super expressive, his facial expressions tell you everything about what he's thinking in that moment (its ridiculous that people aren't aware of is raging crush until he tells them, this mans eyes SPARKLE at the mere mention of Valentina Diaz)

•His resting face is a happy smile

•He's one of those people everyone vents too, everyone feels comfortable around him

•When he starts trying to speak English more the other campers go out of their way to tell him how good he's doing, if he's struggling for a word and ends up saying something that doesn't exist everyone uses that word from then on. If anyone says anything about his pronunciation or accent the Ares and Aphrodite cabin will unite to destroy you ( I say Ares and Aphrodite because they are hands down the scariest cabins, followed by Athena)

•His favorite word in English is scorpion, he loves how Valentina says it in Spanish (escorpión) and she thinks its adorable how he says it in Portuguese (escorpião)

•No one is really sure when or why they started talking about scorpions but its normal now

•They were in the woods and he saw a scorpion and was trying to tell her what it was ("Valennnn ees ay crabbe spieder, eh crabbe spieder") *please read that like its written its so funn to me* And she looks at him and then realizes he means a scorpion and loses her shit yelling "ESCORPIÓN!! ESCORPIÓN!!" and pretty much drags him back to the cabins at top speed

•He's a hazelnut ice cream person, he and Mitchell both bond over their love of ice cream

•He is passionate about sertanejo (a genre of brazilian music my mom loves hehe)

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