Zhang family reunion/First trip to Elysium

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This idea just popped into my mind at like four in the morning and I jotted it down on a sticky note so I wouldn't forget. Emily Zhang is an icon and I thought this had the potential to be really cute. Lemme know what you think :) This is one of what will probably be many Elysium trips.




This is soon after the defeat of Gaea, our baby Frank is turning 17 <3


Arm straight

Head up

Shoulders squared

Eyes on the target

Early Saturday morning, Frank Zhang is practicing. The camp is eerily quiet at 6 am on June fifth. Everyone seemed to be visiting camp half blood, asleep or inside. Understandable since the San Francisco heat really seemed to be kicking in. Frank could feel the sweat dripping down his face as he nocks another arrow, aiming, and releasing the it into the air. It hits just left of the bulls eye on the furthest target, the other four already covered in arrows.

Frank exhales, grabbing another arrow, nocking, aiming, and releasing. This arrow soaring just to the right of that first arrow, still not a bullseye. Frank reaches up to wipe his face. As he goes to reach for a third arrow he is interrupted.

"Praetor! Praetor! Praetor Zhang!" He looks up to see Milo Perez jogging towards him. The son of Mercury stopping to catch his breath, leaning over holding his knees panting, clearly having run for a good while. "We...We need you in the office Praetor...Emergency...Hazel...Hazel told me to come get you.. Come on..." He said between heaving breaths. Then turning around and gesturing for Frank to follow, not even giving the son of Mars a second to ask what this was about before running off after Milo towards the Praetors office.

Emergency? What now? Whats the problem? Is Hazel OK? Is someone hurt? Is Hazel hurt? He speeds up, now running next to Milo, who looks just about ready to drop dead. "Whats the emergency Perez??" He inquires, looking down at the much smaller boy. Perez continues to wheeze as he jogs, its almost comedic. "No..No time to explain..Just run...run run run" He chuckles dryly as he continues to do just that.

Frank rolls his eyes and laughs along with Milo, "Funny guy" he thinks to himself. He's oddly similar to Leo. A weird Valdez-Stoll combo.

Frank wipes yet more sweat of his face as they approach the Praetor's office. Milo is starting to slow down,

"Come on Perez, run run run" He calls after the other boy, who laughs, speeding up.

Finally at the doors of the office, both boys stop to wipe their faces before slipping in to the beautifully air conditioned office, practically slip-sliding down the hallway.

"To your office Praetor, lets go lets go, emergency emergency" Milo said, forcing an urgent tone as he made a shooing gesture to Frank. Who laughs and rolls his eyes, "Yea Milo, seems real urgent, you look terrified, if you're just messing with me I'm gonna be ticked I wanted more practice time..."

Milo quickly cuts off what was sure to be another one of Praetor Zhang's famous dad speeches.
"Me!! Mess with anyone?? Pshaww great Praetor... You know nothing of Milo Perez! Would I ever, and I mean EVER mess with anyone?" He practically shouts, pausing dramatically as the two boys continue to trudge down the hall. They finally make it to the grand door to Frank Zhang's office, Milo stops in front of the door, with a dramatic flourish, "here, Praetor Zhang, your emergency" as he pushes the door open.

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