Sunshine vs Sunshine

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riptide2406 thanks for the idea I love this so much <3


Annabeth and Percy should be doing Arts and Crafts, instead they sit snuggled up by the Beach (as usual) giggling and goofing around. Completely unaware of the world around them.

Leo ran up behind Frank and Nico, covered in soot from a long morning of wrestling with whatever contraption he was working on now. Frank and Nico had been doing one of their periodic walks of silence around the loop of cabins, which of course was to be interrupted as soon as the worlds loudest repairman joined them. "Di Angelo!! Zhang!! Wait up!" Leo called after his friends as he jogged up to them, then trying to sling an arm over each of their shoulders, (unable to reach Frank) And unwilling to risk get machine oil on Nico's prized aviator jacket.

They walked together as Leo rambled about his projects of the morning, Frank doing his best to pay attention.Leo seemed to realise he'd lost his audience, looking around, he noticed the couple all cuddled up on the beach, gently shoved Frank's shoulder and nodded in the direction of the silhouette of their friends, Frank smiled and in turn pointed them out to Nico who seemed very confused as to why they cared, a wicked grin spread across Leo's face as he gestured for the two other boys to follow him. Leo slowly tiptoed towards the love birds, with Frank and Nico on his tail.

"Thank you again for this seaweed brain" Annabeth almost whispered to her boyfriend, holding  a beautiful blue and grey leather bound notebook, embellished with seashells and a beautiful owl on the front. "I'm glad you like it sunshine, I thought it would keep your stuff organized while you're studying" He replied with a dorky smile, neither seeing their three friends sneaking up behind them (more like one sneaking, one confused why the first is sneaking, and the third thinking about how much he would rather be walking in silence)

"Sunshine huh?" Leo smirked. "Stealing my nicknames now are we Jackson?"

The couple turned around faster then you could say dam, to find that their three friends were standing behind them, Frank a little further behind, seemingly uncomfortable with cutting into Percabeth time (mad respect Frank)

Nico scowled at the son of Hephaestus, "hmm Valdez, I think you mean my nickname for Will, in case you've forgotten?" Leo seemed to be assessing his response, if it was anyone else he would have already launched into a monologue about the pain of the theft of his nickname for Calypso. But this is Nico, who Leo is certain doesn't particularly like him (he's not wrong), so is goofing around worth risking becoming a Leo-Kebab? He decided that a monologue might be pushing  a bit.

Instead Leo jokingly challenged the son of Hades, raising his eyebrow, "do we fight this out Di Angelo?"

"Only if you want to lose "Valdez" Nico countered, mimicking Leo's already raised eyebrow

The friends look back and forth from Nico to Leo,  all unable to tell if they were actually joking, neither boy being particularly easy to read. 

To an onlooker this would have been a hilarious scene, a couple that looked like they really had other places they want to be, a guy towering over two boys significantly shorter seemingly squaring up for a fight, one wearing a massive aviator's jacket practically drowning him, and the other weighed down by a huge tool belt. 

Nico also seemed to be weighing his options, he looked over to the volleyball court, coincidentally both Will and Calypso were there playing, which seemed to give him an idea.

"HEY! SUNSHINE!" He called over. Will swiveled at the sound of his boyfriend's voice, and waved to the group before mouthing "not now Neeks, i'm trying to win here" Before turning back to Clarisse who looked to be taking the game much too seriously, barking orders at her team. Frank could've sworn he heard her call one of her siblings "little miss weak ankles" when she fell during the game. 

Nico turned back with a smirk. "Case and point Valdez"

Frank and Percy dramatically in unison "ooo'd" at Nico's unusually playful demeanor. The son of Hades rarely takes part in any shenanigans, let alone Leo's.

Leo mimicked Nico, calling over "Sunshine!! Over here!!" Calypso rolled her eyes and looks over, "yes Leonidas??" 

"Nothing, nothing, thanks sunshine, you look great!" He calls back with an exaggerated wink. The beautiful girl rolled her eyes with a smile and returned to her game.

"Well, it seems we've reached an impasse." Nico states

Annabeth rolled her eyes, "well, I wish we could stay for this riveting dispute, but Percy and I have places to be" she stated to the group "We do??" Percy inquired. She reached down to grab his hand and pull him to his feet, giving him a soft kiss on the lips before pulling back and heading off down the beach. "Uhh yea guys, I have places to be. Later!" He waved at his friends as he jogged off after his laughing girlfriend. "Don't have too much fun you two!!" Frank called after the couple, the two burst into fits of laughter as they wandered hand in hand further down the beach.

Frank turned his attention back to the boys in front of him. Both holding eye contact, seemingly trying to find a way to be the winner of this interaction.

"Rock paper scissors?" Leo proposed shrugging. "How in Hades will that prove this point?" Nico inquired, rolling his eyes. "Well what else can we do? A contest?" Leo rebutted sarcastically.

"Well, maybe I could organize something-" Frank started "absolutely not" Both boys interrupt in unison. Frank put both hands up in a sign of truce "hey hey there just trying to help" stepping back.

Leo and Nico continued to narrow their eyes at each other, 

Frank feared an actual fight may break out, Nico definitely doesn't like to be challenged (especially not by Leo). And little fireboy doesn't know when to stop 

After a minute of silence both started talking, loud and fast, overlapping, to the point that poor Frank really had no idea what they were talking about. 

Frank exhaled slowly, trying not to laugh looking down at both boys, both a head shorter then him, loudly talking over each other, he was pretty sure Nico had switched to Italian, and in response to that Leo was now yelling twice as loud in rapid Spanish. 

Leo and Nico continued shouting as they walked away towards the volley ball court, leaving a very puzzled Frank sitting on the beach as you could hear Leo's voice across the camp "SUNSHINE IS MY THING DI ANGELO GET YOUR OWN THING " and Nico in response " QUESTA È LA MIA COSA TU FASTIDIOSO DELINQUENTE!" (Its my thing you annoying delinquent) 

Frank shook his head at the two buffoons as he sat down where Percy and Annabeth had been minutes before as Hazel jogged up from the Hades Cabin after spotting him. She sat down beside him and he wrapped his arm around her without saying anything.

"If Leo is missing tomorrow your brother probably taped him to a wall" He said, laughing

Hazel's eyes widened in surprise, hair still a mess from a sparing, "what-" she started before Frank interrupted by putting on an exaggerated zen face, "sit in silence and listen to the wind miss Levesque"  They both sat in silence, 

"QUESTA MATTINA PENSA CHE PU SEMPLICEMENTE ANCORA IL MIO NICKNAME PER TE! POTETE CREDERCI!" (This moron thinks he can simply steal my nickname for you! Can you believe it!) Nico shouted to Will, seriously derailing the volleyball match


Both Frank and Hazel burst into fits of laughter, as Clarisse's voice drowned out the two boys "DI ANGELO! VALDEZ! I'M TRYING TO WIN HERE! GRANTED MY TEAM ISN'T BEING PARTICULARLY HELPFUL IN ACHIEVING THAT GOAL YOU TWO AREN'T HELPING! GET OUT OF HERE!"


OK this is short but I love it so much-

I'm working on a chapter that's probably gonna take forever but i'm so exited to publish it!! 

What's your favorite Ship/Couple, canon or not? 

Thank you for reading!


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