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I was doing homework with (for) my best friend (she's amazing at math but practically illiterate, so she helps with my math and I write her essays) And while I was writing her poetry analysis she wrote a poem and then an analysis, I felt like I really needed to share.

I also feel the need to give a disclaimer for any poets reading this, it may hurt you. I already censored it and removed some stuff because it was a little q u e s t i o n a b l e

Boss Fight

Who dares summon me?

the all knowing all wise,

I am not sweet,

for i am not bitter

I am not sour,

For i am not spice

But spicy to those around me

and deadly to those who challenge me

but we must ask

why must thou challenge me

is it perhaps that i resemble you

perhaps i resemble your deepest darkest fears

perhaps its all of the above

because we all know

you cannot beat the all mighty

the all wise

and the all knowing

so why would you challenge me?

why would you ensure your death?

An this poem we can see that the author uses syntax and metaphors. the author uses personification over the reader because you are an object. In the first stanza the author talks about how spicy she is, insinuating that the author is hot, spicy, and NOT bitter and NOT sour.The author refers to summoning as if she were a divine creature(which she is) and is deadly to those around her because shes hot and sexy. In the second stanza the author uses point of view,because the divine creature is talking to you(personified). The author talks about our deepest darkest fears and insecurities being the embodiment of divinity, for which is why the divineness of me is therefore all knowing, all might, and all wise and therefore death insured.

Immediately after writing this she said her cat smelt like Christmas.

**copyright to celia you have a .2 iq but I love you anyways

I have no internet for the weekend but I'll be writing quite a bit so lots on Monday yay :)
Have a great weekend love you<3


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