Parenting from the lord of the underworld PART ONE

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Let us all take a moment to thank @Sandwich_1452 and @riptide2406 for this idea-
Hades in this chapter is giving me severe movie Molly Weasley energy hehe enjoy


"Nicolas! You must use your powers responsibly!! You CANNOT shadow travel to Williams cabin, startle him, and then LEAVE! That depletes your ENERGY! If you DIE because you felt like ANNOYING your boyfriend I will never forgive you." The lord of the underworld practically roars, pacing his enormous dining hall, the utensils studded with precious metals and fake (or not fake) bones shake at the volume of his voice, however the young man in front of him doesn't waver. As the supreme lord of the dead shakes his fist and rants and rants like an angry suburban father named Steven Smith, Nico Di Angelo giggles in recollection of what got him here.

Though it was clearly a pointless use of his shadow travel (which arguably bothered Will more,  making the intended annoyance even greater, +10 points to Di Angelo). The true beginning of this little saga that had plagued camp half blood in the previous week began when William Andrew Solace did the unthinkable, he did what many before attempted, and failed, he did something all of camp half blood had considered at some point, a mission deemed too dangerous for the most well trained demigods. William Solace risked death, and ate the entirety of his boyfriends chocolate stash. Its known across the camp that Nico has the finest collection of chocolate (exclusively dark chocolate (anything less then 70% cocoa is for weaklings), silky smooth, and expensive with berries in them (his favorite being pomegranate, then raspberry, orange and strawberry).

Then, at four in the morning, Will Solace ate it, and left nothing but crumbs.

The following weeks were filled with well crafted sabotage, rivaling the finest of the Stoll's work. After food fights, harpy hunts, weapon sabotaging and late-night haircuts, Nico screwed himself over. Attempting to sike Will out before sparring, he decided to go for the most futile use of his shadow travel ever, directly into the Apollo cabin. Severe miscalculation. Something about the lack of sleep and intense concentration of caffeine in his blood didn't go well with being flung through the shadows at 7 am on a Tuesday, so Will was definitely startled when his boyfriend appeared in his room, face grey, hands transparent, and then crumbled to  the ground.

A panic ensued, and now here he is, in his dad house, being scolded.

Wills never gonna steal my chocolate again though.

He chuckles, distracting his father from his rambling rant of rage.


Nico fought with every fibir of his being to surpress his laughter, his dads greasy hair flying around his face as he waves his hands around as if fighting off a swarm of angry bees. In a split second, the young demigod tunes out, focusing solely on his fathers hair, vaguely registering the continuing rampage in the back of his mind, he watches, fascinated as his fathers greasy mop jumps as he punctuates sentences with furious stomps.

The way his hair sticks out on either side of his head.... He looks..Like a... Like a...

 "Bat" The boy mumbles under his breath,not realizing that he spoke aloud. Hades eyes narrow dangerously at his son, scanning him with his black eyes.

"What did you say son" He inquires, voice dangerously sharp

Nico chooses to ignore his fathers tone, "Dad, your hair's everywhere, its making you look like a bat? Like in that movie Persephone likes. The one with the monster hotel...When the vampires turn into bats. That's what you look like right now." In the corner of the room, Persephone who had previously been calmly eating her cereal, snorts. Milk coming out of her nose as she bursts into a fit of laughter. Hades eyes are practically snake-like slits (getting that moldy-voldy look) as he glares at his wife, "hush Penny eat your cereal..." he grumbles, which only makes his wife laugh louder, letting her head drop onto the table next to the bowl as she shakes with silent laughter.

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