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High school parties. They're pretty much a huge load of bullshit. Some stupid kid who's parents are out of town decides 'hey, let's invite the whole school over to my average sized home so they can break my shit when they get drunk.'

Its not like I'm a 'loser' or a 'buzzkill', I just think the parties are immature. Sure, I love to have my fair share of fun. So that's why tonight I decided I should give a party a chance. They don't always end badly.

My friend Jada practically begged me to come before I said yes. It wasn't like I was some 'nerd' who was scared to go to a party, I just particularly didn't enjoy them. Especially when some of the guys get handsy.

"Hey Felicity, I'm gonna go talk to Harry, have fun!" And just like that, Jada ditched me. And so my fun night began.


When I was born my mom was best friends with a woman named Karen and she happened to be 6 months pregnant with a boy. So three months later, Liam was born. Since our moms were best friends, so were we.

Our moms did almost everything together, so we did too. My first word was dad. It's a very common first word for a baby. I was 6 months old (I was an early bloomer) and I was a huge daddy's girl. My second word though, to my moms disappointment, wasn't mom or ma or mommy. Nope, it was Liam. Apparently it sounded more like Lee-yuh, but my parents knew it meant Liam.

I beat Liam when I first talked at 6 months, but he beat me when he was 10 months and first said Felicity. But actually he just said Felly T. His first word, or words, were Felly T. Which was some odd form of my name. His parents were shocked I guess, mine too. But what did they expect when we played together almost every single day?

When we were 5 we learned to ride bikes together, our dads took off the training wheels and let us go. I ended up crashing into a stop sign and cried my eyes out. Liam immediately stopped and rushed over to help me. In reality, I just scratched up my hands a bit and cut my knee when I fell over, but to two 5 year olds, that was the end. I was sure I was going to die and Liam was too.

"Felly, I love you. I'm sorry you died." Liam told me holding onto me for dear life. I'm pretty sure he was crying more than I was.

"I love you too Li. When I'm gone you can have all my toys." I promised him. That made his eyes light up.

"Even the dinosaurs?" He asked, loving my plastic dinosaur figures.

"Even the dinosaurs." I replied. And then I closed my eyes dramatically, (because I thought that was what dead people do) and fell limp in Liam's arms.

He yelled something along the lines of "Daddy! Daddy! She's dead! But she gave me her toys!" In a sad yet happy tone.

Then our dads had to explain to us that I wasn't dead and Liam wasn't getting my toys. He said as long as he can still come over and play then it doesn't matter.

That day was one of my earliest memories. You know, one of those random memories you have from your childhood that for some reason you remember? Well I learned in school that the reason you remember these small childhood memories is because that day, for some reason, you were feeling a huge emotion.

Whether it's excitement from your first time at an amusement park, or sadness the day that your dad died.

Which happens to be another two of my memories. Both of which were with Liam.

Then one day, Liam and I didn't make memories together anymore.


I was currently squeezed on a couch between my best friend Niall and Jada who was sitting on Harry's lap drunkenly making out with him. I wasn't complaining, I just wasn't having fun.

"Drunk people playing truth or dare is the best." Niall argues back at me.

"No, it's idiotic. Someone always ends up getting hurt in the end when their best friend makes out with their boyfriend." I explain. "Alcohol filled teenagers plus truth or dare equals trouble Nialler."

"Truth or dare!" Niall yells loudly, probably just to piss me off.

He drags me over to the floor and we all gather in a circle. The boy across from me definitely catches my eye. For one, he has tattoos and piercings everywhere, but he's also Liam Payne. Liam Payne only causes pain. It's like a mantra. I repeat it to myself whenever I see him to remind myself to stay away.

Niall places a bottle in the middle of our little circle and spins it. It lands on some slutty girl named Trinity and she says dare and Niall dares her to lick Harry's foot. Everyone else found it hilarious, but I wasn't laughing. I felt someone's eyes on me in the midst of the laughing. I look up to find Liam raising an eyebrow at me with a bored expression as if to say 'that was lame.' I shrug with a similar expression meaning 'I know.'

It was weird. Me and Liam used to always be able to communicate in odd ways.

It's not like I never see Liam, or talk to him, our families have dinner together practically every week. I mean, I don't always show up, and neither does he, but we hang out enough. It's just never going to be the same as it used to be. Not since the incident.

"Felicity, truth or dare?" I look up snapping out of my daze to find Zayn looking at me expectantly.

"Dare." I sigh bored.

"I dare you to take a shot." He says smirking at me. Wow, so original Malik. Niall's wasn't cool, but at least it wasn't so cliché.

I take the stupid shot of vodka from some kid who hands it to me then I spin the bottle. "Truth or dare?" I ask the boy named Mike.

"Truth." He says causing everyone to say 'wimp' or 'chicken.' I just roll my eyes and think of something.

"If you had to kiss any guy in the circle, who would you choose?" I ask smirking at my own question. At least I can get a little humor out of this.

"Pass?" He gulps looking at me expectantly. I just shake my head telling him to answer. "Liam." He sighs looking at Liam embarrassed.

"Sorry Mike, I don't think you have boobs or a vagina so I'll pass." Liam chuckles teasing Mike.

"Oh shut up," he groans. "It's Felicity's fault. She asked the question."

"I didn't say you had to choose Liam." I reply shrugging in Mike's direction. He stands up and glares down at me half angry and half drunk.

"Well fuck you Felicity. Nobody likes you anyways." He snaps at me shocking us all. Nobody likes you anyways. Those words were way too familiar to my ears.

"Hey," Liam yells standing up. "Don't yell at her. It's a fucking game Mike. It was a joke, I know your not gay so stop over reacting!" Liam yells defending me. I gulp harshly looking between the two of them. Mike looks down at me angrily, then looks back at Liam shoving him then walking off. Liam is much bigger than him though so he barely stumbles. "Felly," Liam says in a much softer tone sitting back down. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." Then we all go back to the game and act like it didn't happen. But to me, it did. Liam did stand up and tell some boy to stop yelling at me. And for just a second, it felt as if nothing had ever happened, but when we got back to the game, I still remembered that week so vividly. That dreadful week where my life changed completely.

[So this is my new story and I have a cool idea for it so I hope it's good. In the middle of every chapter there will be a small flashback and the chapters won't be long.

Please vote and comment if you liked it and yeah, thanks for reading.]

Broken Promises and Broken Condoms // Punk Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now