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"I don't like Niall, he's really annoying." Liam complains as we walk to his car after school.

"Well he's my best friend so you're gonna have to deal with him." I retort, crossing my arms in anger. Niall's been there for me when no one else was, I'm not just going to let Liam say bad things about him.

"I know. But I don't like the way he was touching you." Liam groans in annoyance. "I don't like seeing his arm around you."

"You need to stop being so jealous." I sigh shaking my head at him. "I slept with you Liam, I'm having your baby, I see no reason to be jealous of Niall." I point out. I huff at him and get in his car.

"But you don't love me anymore. You don't want to be with me after we have this baby, you just told me to do the right thing for him or her." Liam says as he gets into the car.

"I never said I didn't love you anymore." I mumble, turning my head to look out the window.

"But you never said it back either. Do you know how much that hurts?" He sighs sadly. I can feel his eyes on me but I keep mine out the window.

"Do you know how much it hurts to hear you say that after everything you put me through?" I retort, still refusing to look at him.

"I did it to protect you!" Liam yells. It startles me and I finally look at him. His face is full of distraught.

Mine is full of anger. "From what?!" I counter. "What could you possibly need to protect me from when I was 13?" The love and the hate I have for him is bubbling up inside me. We were 13, there was nothing to protect me from.

"From me!" He yells, banging his fists on the steering wheel.

I laugh humorlessly. "I'm not scared of you."

"That's not what I mean." He growls impatiently.

"Then what is it that you mean Liam? What was the point in betraying me like that?" I counter, turning my body to face him. I need to know why he caused me all that pain if there is actually a reason.

"I can't tell you." He sighs, his voice much calmer than before.

"Let me guess, you can't tell me because you need to protect me?" I ask raising an eyebrow. Liam nods slowly. "Okay." I say turning back towards the front of the car. "Drive me home."

"Do you want me to stay over again?" Liam asks hopefully.

"No, I want you to drop me off at my house then leave and don't come back." I say in a way too calm voice. I look at him and ignore the pain in his eyes and put on a straight face. "This friend thing isn't working Liam. I don't want anything to do with you at this point, when the baby's born you can have your days with him or her or whatever. I'll only talk to you if it has to do with the wellbeing of our child, because that's all you are, you're my baby's father." After my spiel Liam is speechless. He drops me off at home and drives off.

And that's it, we don't talk anymore for a while. I have nothing to say to him anymore. I'm done with that back and forth bullcrap.


There had to be a good reason as to why he didn't show up. Aunt Karen and Uncle Geoff said he was supposed to meet us here but he still hadn't come.

So I ran home to find him. He didn't show up to my dads funeral and there just had to be a reasonable explanation. I couldn't stand to be there anyways. If he was there maybe I'd be fine, but seeing my fathers body lie there lifeless is torture.

I opened his front door that was left unlocked and ran up the stairs to his room. The room that I've slept in and played in so many times. The room that I lost my virginity in just days ago.

"Liam where-" I sobbed as I slammed his door open. The sight in front of me had broken my heart. The girl in his bed was some new girl in our school. She was naked and he was too.

Liam Payne, my boyfriend who I was madly in love with even being so young, had cheated on me the day of my fathers funeral. A day I so desperately needed him. "Felicity, what are you doing here?" He snapped. If their bare bodies wasn't a warning sign, his tone and use of my name were there too.

"What the fück." Was all I could manage to spit out. He glared at me as he pulled on some clothes as if I was the wrongdoer here.

"You can't just barge into my room like that you bîtch." He snapped harshly. Never once before had Liam called me a name. He promised he never would because that'd be a lie and he wouldn't lie to me. So I took it to the heart, because Liam didn't lie to me, if he called me a bitch then I was one.

"How could you do this to me?" I whispered sadly, backing up into the hallway. I couldn't bear to see that girl smirking at me with only a blanket covering her.

"Oh get over it. You didn't think I actually loved you, did you?" He sneered. "You're fat and you're ugly, I was just using you for sèx. I practically barfed afterwards because you're so disgusting." The words were like a knife repeatedly stabbing me in the chest. I was already mourning my fathers death, and now my boyfriend, my best friend in the whole wide world was calling me horrible names and saying vile things. He broke me.

"You don't mean that." I cried, looking into his dark eyes.

"Of course I do. You were just a play toy for me, nothing but a piece of trash." Liam laughed maniacally.

"What happened to you saying that you'd always love me? That you'd never leave me? You promised that you'd never lie to me! You promised that I was beautiful!" I cried falling to my knees. Liam was the boy who promised to catch me when I fall, there I was falling as he just stood back and watched.

"You were so pathetic always having me make you dumb promises. It was just more steps to getting in your pants. And you were so eager you little slut. Maybe if you weren't so fat and ugly I wouldn't be so harsh about it, but I thought somebody needed to let you know." He hissed at me on the floor in front of him. "Now stop being pathetic and leave my house. Why don't you go join your father in the ground while you're at it, you're worthless anyways."

I ran. I stumbled up and ran straight to my room and cried and broke things after Liam broke me. He broke me and all of our promises. He ruined my life.


Once again I went home crying because of Liam Payne. Liam some how found a way to sneak himself back into my life. I already love my baby, and she or he isn't a mistake, but letting Liam back in was. I should have never let those walls that took so long to build up fall down. I just let myself get hurt again.

"Felicity." Robbie coos walking into my room without knocking. "Tell me what's wrong." He pleads, taking me into his arms and cradling me as we sit on my bed.

"It's a l-long st-story." I sob, probably soaking his shirt in the process.

"I always have time for you baby sis." He assures me motioning for me to go on.

I tell him everything from how we secretly dated to now. Robbie is the first person I've ever told about this. But he listens and tells me it'll be okay.

It's nice to finally let someone in on my little secret. My poor baby is going to grow up with the worst parents ever.

So after Robbie leaves and I go to sleep that night I profusely apologize to the human growing inside of me.

"Your daddy might break a lot of promises to you some day, but I won't. I promise to always keep my promises, and if I know I can't do something then I won't promise it." I whisper, running my fingers along my currently flat stomach. "I promise to try and be the best mother ever, even if there's some bumps along the way. I love you."

I look out my window and into the night sky. I wish on the first star I see that everything will be okay in the end.

[I don't even know when the last time I updated was shit. Sorry I've been busy with finals but I'm almost done with school so updates should be better soon.]

Broken Promises and Broken Condoms // Punk Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now