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15 weeks. Today I am 15 weeks pregnant and I haven't talked to Liam since that day I told him to leave me alone.

Part of me was proud of myself for getting rid of him before he could hurt me again, but part of me missed him. Whenever I go to my checkups I can't help but wish for him to be there. For him to hold my hand and love me and our baby. But that's never going to happen because this is the real world and people like me don't get happy endings.

"Are you sure you'll be fine alone? I can take off for the day and-" my mom rambles.

"Mom." I sigh stopping her rushed words. "I'm going to be a mother soon, I think I need to be able to do things on my own." I tell her. "I'll be fine."

I was going to the doctor to checkup on the baby. Every time I go and get ultrasounds I have my mom give one to Aunt Karen and Uncle Geoff. Whether Liam sees them or not, I don't know. I just figured maybe he'd like to be able to see his baby grow.

My mom drops me off at the doctor I've been going to for the past couple of weeks because I had to get a new one. I go inside and sign in like always and take a seat, waiting for my name to be called.

"Felicity Hall." I look up at the sound of my name and follow the doctor to the examination room. "Hello Felicity, how have you been feeling?" She questions as she starts to get everything ready.

"Great." I say smiling. She leaves me for a few minutes to get changed and I text Niall while I'm waiting.

"Okay Felicity, lay down and I'll get the machine ready." My doctor tells me. I lay down and pull up the gown so she can spread the cold jelly across my stomach. She rubs around the small device and I watch the screen smiling. "See that?" She remarks. "That's your baby." I loved my new doctor. She never judged me, never asked about the father, she just smiled and always made sure I was feeling okay.

"That's amazing." I sigh looking at the little blob moving around on the screen. My little blob actually looks more like a baby now.

"Yes, technology is a beautiful thing." She agrees. "Would you like to know the gender?" She questions. I look at her in shock. I didn't know we could tell that early.

"I-uh, yeah." I gasp. My doctor chuckles before pointing to a section of the screen.

"It's a boy Felicity." Tears start to run down my face. A little Liam. I'm gonna have a little boy. Maybe he'll have Liam's light brown hair and brown eyes, or my hair that's only a teeny bit darker than Liam's and my blue eyes. Maybe years from now I'll have another baby and it'll be a little girl and he'll be the best big brother ever. He'd beat up all the bullies and protect her from boys when she gets older.

I leave the appointment making up more of these fantasies in my mind.

I've already started to show so I usually wear baggy clothes but I'm guessing some people have noticed.

I get ready to give my mom a picture to get to Liam, but I feel cruel. This is his son. He should be the first one told of the gender and not just from a picture.

I quickly type a text saying that it's a boy and send it to him before I have time to think about it. I wait a minute for a reply, but I don't get one. But as I turn on my tv my phone starts to ring. I don't pick it up.

I don't really want to talk to Liam right now. Maybe I'm being immature, but I just need some time.


"Shouldn't you empty it first?" Robbie asked as we started moving the furniture out of my room.

"That drawer needs to stay locked." I said. Thankfully he didn't argue.

Broken Promises and Broken Condoms // Punk Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now