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About 6 weeks later is when it started happening.

Everything was going great in my messed up little world. I had still not forgiven Liam completely, but I trusted him enough. Nowhere near as much as I used to, but we were growing closer. We were actually friends.

School was great. It's not like I got picked on a lot, but if anyone messes with me Liam always backs me up. Since he was Liam Payne, the schools bad boy covered in tattoos and piercings, there wasn't any problems. I was also doing exceptional in all of my classes, taking me closer to getting into a good college.

I started talking to my mom more too. I'd tell her if I got sad so she could help, and I told her when I was happy so she knew I was okay.

My life had seemed to be getting better. That was until I was in second period in my history class. I was fine all morning, but suddenly a wave of nausea interrupted my thoughts of Napoleon. At first I just ignored it, but then I started feeling the bile in my throat. I ran straight out of the room and to the bathroom.

My breakfast from a few hours earlier found its way into the toilet.

The teacher must've sent someone to check on me because shortly after I was done throwing up my breakfast, a girl named Mary from my class entered. Mary immediately plugged her nose with her fingers. "I think you should go home." She said gagging at the horrid smell.

"Yeah, tell Mr. Kline I'm sick." I grumbled making my way to the nurse to check myself out of school.

I figured everything would be fine the next morning, I had felt better after all. I somehow found myself throwing up again though before I left for school.

So here I am now, sitting sickly beside the vile smelling toilet after throwing up for the second time in two days. "Felicity," I look up at my mother in the doorway. "I think we need to go to the doctor." She says in her caring motherly tone.

I nod, not in any mood to argue. The drive is spent in silence. I can feel my mom eyeing me though from her seat. "Just say what you're thinking." I groan.

"You've been eating a lot more than usual, you threw up two mornings in a row, have you missed your period?" Her words jumble up in my mind. Could it be?

"Y-yeah." I stutter.


"Hey Li-Li?" I asked as we threw basketballs into the hoop on the Payne's driveway.

"Yes Felly?" He answered in the same questioning tone I used.

"Why do grown ups, you know, kiss?" I wondered in confusion. I had seen my parents kiss countless times, I had seen the Payne's kiss countless times, I had seen people on TV kiss many times, and of course random couples in public. I never understood why they did it though. Did mouths taste good to them?

"That's funny you asked. I asked Ruthie the same question." He laughed at the small coincidence.

"Well, what did she say?" I asked stopping the basketball in my hand from bouncing. I needed to focus on why people kiss instead. It was very interesting to me.

"She said that people kiss for all kinds of reasons." He started, making me anxious. It was such a vague answer. I needed more. So I gave him this look that caused him to chuckle but go on. "She said sometimes people kiss when they're drunk, or when they're mad, or sad. Sometimes people kiss for games or because they like someone. But she said the reason that our parents kiss is because they love each other."

Broken Promises and Broken Condoms // Punk Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now