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I didn't go to school for the rest of the week. I just couldn't bear seeing him knowing that his child is inside of me. Liam doesn't seem like the type to want children, or not right now anyways, but I can't blame him for that. So I haven't told him, and I don't plan on doing it anytime soon. I'm too scared.

He texted me Tuesday after I went to the doctor. It made me even more emotional than I already was. I just told him I'm sick and I'll see him whenever I go back to school.

He offered to come over to check on me. Of course I refused. I can't have him here. I can't see him right now. I'm not in a good state.

"I miss you Fel, where have you been?" Niall asks through the phone.

"I just haven't been feeling good." I lie.

"Fel, what's wrong?" He must've heard the sadness in my voice. I've pretty much just been crying in my room all week. "Are you okay?"

Niall was the only one besides my family and the Payne's who knows about my depression. We've been best friends ever since the first day of sophomore year when I accidentally closed my locker on his hand. He understands me and he can always comfort me.

"No, not really." I say sadly into the receiver.

"Do you want me to come over?" He asks in his gentle tone that made me trust him in the first place. He's great and I'm so lucky to have him.

"Please?" I whimper.

"Of course. I'll see you in ten Felicity. I love you."

"Love you too."

We hang up and I look in the mirror. I don't feel like changing out of my comfy pajamas, but I can at least brush my hair and teeth for Niall.

I look in the mirror as I brush my teeth. My eyes land on my giants sweatshirt. It's not really mine. It's my dad's. Well, it was my dads.


"I don't get it. Why do they push each other down?" I asked watching the men in the blue helmets play football.

"It's called tackling. That's how you play." My dad answered shoving his chili dog into his mouth. He was wearing his blue Giants sweater and a Giants hat.

Geoff was adorned in Giants gear too while us kids were just in regular clothes because we didn't have Giants merchandise.

That day was a father bonding day. Our dads brought us all to a football game because they loved football. Robbie was sort of into it, Nicola was bored, but Ruth, Liam, and I were lost.

"Look he got a point!" Ruth cheered after seeing the ball fly through the yellow goal post.

"No honey, that's the wrong team." Geoff chuckled ruffling her hair. Ruth huffed then sat down giving up on the game.

"Daddy," I whined. "This is boring I don't get it." I poured my bottom lip and crossed my arms. He rolled his eyes and pulled me onto his lap.

"See that guy?" He asked pointing towards one of the players. "He's called the quarterback."

"What side is he?" I asked. "Heads or tails?" It was a joke and my dad knew it so he laughed.

"Well the quarterback has to throw the ball to the receivers. Then the other team will try to tackle them before they can get a touchdown." The conversation continued with talks of running backs and kickers. I was still confused but I pretended to understand for my dads sake. He loved the game so much I wanted him to be happy watching it instead of explaining it to me.

Broken Promises and Broken Condoms // Punk Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now