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I was currently sitting on Niall's lap, and I was wasted. I started thinking way too much into what happened in the past and drank to take away the pain. Whenever we made eye contact, I just downed another cup of whatever alcoholic substance Niall gave me.

"Felicity." Niall whispers drunkenly in my ear. "I wanna dance." He whines hiding out the word dance.

"Okay." I giggle shifting my body to look at him.

"So you have to get up." He whines some more. I just wiggle my butt on his lap to annoy him. "Ew Liss, your my best friend, I don't want a boner from you." He groans holding my hips so I can't move.

"Then don't?" I say questioningly.

"It's not that simple babe." He sighs shaking his head at me. I groan and get up so he can stand. I guess my feet aren't working so well because they decide to stumble back when I get up.

I close my eyes ready to feel the impact of the floor, when instead I'm pulled back up. "Someone's drunk." He chuckles steadying me on my feet. "C'mon Felly, how 'bout I take you home now?" Liam asks reaching out to grab my hand. I pull it away as fast as a drunk person can.

"Don't touch me." I snap glaring at him. "You're not my dad, you don't have to tell me what to do. I'm practically an adult." I turn and try to walk away from him, but don't notice the coffee table. Of course he has to be nice and catch me again.

"Okay, I was just offering." He says, trying to hide the humor from his voice. "Don't do anything stupid Felly."

"Stop calling me that!" I yell causing people to look over towards us.

"Felicity, I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" he starts but I cut him off.

"Didn't mean to what?" I reply. "Stop acting as if nothing ever happened. I'm not your Felly anymore Liam." I sigh shaking my head.

After that week, we never discussed what happened. Liam wrote me letters and would slide them under my locked bedroom door, and I would just lock them in my desk drawer. It hasn't been opened since. When I finally saw Liam again, we dropped it. We acted like nothing happened. This was the first time I actually got to give Liam a piece of my mind, but I was drunk, so I looked like an idiot.

But the truth was, I will always be Liam's Felly. Even his Felly T. Nobody else was ever allowed to call me those things except for Liam. To other friends and my family, I was Felicity or Liss. Liam stopped calling me Felly a long time ago. I don't know why he decided to start again.


"I bet you I could get higher." Liam taunted me, gloating the fact that he wasn't scared of heights like I was.

"You probably could." I grumbled glaring at him from a low branch.

"If you tried you could too Felly." He encouraged, reaching a hand down to help me.

"I can't Li-Li, I'm too scared." I pouted, crossing my little 8 year old arms.

"Yes you can Felly. Just don't look down and you won't even realize how high up you are." He said as if it was the easiest thing in the world.

"But what if I fall?" I asked looking from where Liam wants to go, to the ground.

"Then I'll catch you." He promised.

"But what if you fall?" I countered.

"Then we'll fall together." It wasn't the best argument, but he got me to climb the tree. "Just look at me Felly, don't look down. Look into my eyes." I was 8 years old, it was autumn and the leaves were falling from the trees. The butterflies were beginning to go south for winter. I thought maybe the butterflies were just in my stomach somehow when Liam said those things. I didn't realize what those feelings were.

Broken Promises and Broken Condoms // Punk Liam PayneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang