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He leans in and softly grabs my face, looking me in the eyes. My eyes flutter closed as he inches closer. Soon enough, his lips are on mine and a feeling of nostalgia fills me.

He slowly climbs on top of me straddling my waist, then carefully pushes me back on the mattress.

I probably should've pushed him away. I probably should've yelled at him. I should probably stop, and I probably shouldn't be enjoying this. But for the past 4 years, it's like my body's been craving this.

I didn't stop Liam as he pulled my shirt over my head, and I even helped pulling his shirt over his. I moaned when our crotches touched through the fabric of our pants, and I didn't mind teasing Liam through his boxers. I enjoyed every second of what we were doing and that was the only thing I didn't like about this.

I learned my lesson when I was 13. The moral of the story is that Liam Payne only causes pain.

Yet I laid under him as he made me feel ways that no other boy ever had. I hate that he can make me feel so special, so loved. But even deep in my drunken mind I know that I'm not special.


"Felly! Felly!" Liam yelled out of breath from chasing after me. My knees were pulled up to my chest as I leaned back against the wall of the school.

"Just go away Liam." I sigh, looking at the ground so he can't see my tears. I tugged at the lace part on the bottom of my blue dress as Liam stood over me.

"Felly, what's wrong?" Liam asked softly, sitting down besides me. He reached out and grabbed my tear stained hand. "C'mon Felly T, talk to me."

"There's nothing to say." I lied leaning my head against his shoulder.

"Let's start off with why you ran out of the gym crying?" He questioned, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb.

"It doesn't matter Li, I'm fine." I lied again, mustering up a fake smile and flashing it in his direction.

"No your not." He replied, taking his hand that wasn't holding mine to wipe away some of my tears. My eyes fluttered closed at the contact, and then more tears began to spill. "Felly I can't help you unless you tell me what's wrong."

"You can't help me at all!" I sobbed. "Look at me. I'm fat, and I'm ugly, and none of the boys asked me to the dance. Everyone has a date except me, and they're all just laughing at me." I believed what I was saying, even though it was never true. I was just so insecure that my mind made these things up.

"You're not fat, you are perfectly fine. And you could never be ugly, you're beautiful." Liam assured me kissing my cheek. "I wanted to go to the dance with you but then Laura asked me and I didn't want to be mean. Come, let's go back in and dance. And you can let everyone know how beautiful you are, when they see you under the flashing lights, dancing in your pretty blue dress." And so Liam stood up and reached a hand down to help me up. We walked back in holding hands, and made our way to the middle of the dance floor. "Look at that," he whispered in my ear as we slowly swayed back and forth. "You're the most beautiful girl in the room." He placed a gentle kiss on my nose then smiled at me.

I smiled back. "Promise?" I asked thinking that he might be lying.

"Promise." He replied. And once he said that I was sure that he was telling the truth because Liam would never lie to me.

Or so I thought.


There was no clothes left to stop us from going further. I was already too far in to stop now. It's not like I would or could anyways. I have loved him for my whole life, I want this.

"Felly, ar-are you sure?" Liam asks looking into my green eyes with his brown ones.

I nod my head slowly. "Please." I whimper, I'm so pathetic. I'm just going to let him use me again so he can toss me aside. He doesn't care about me, but I just want him so badly.

He quickly gets up and searches for his pants for a little silver packet. I wait impatiently as he slides it on. Finally, Liam slowly pushed himself into me, causing me to cry out. I grip his biceps just because I need something to hold onto.

It was definitely different than last time, he's grown.

"I love you Felicity," he whispers. "I love you." I wasn't quite sure if I believed him, so I didn't say it back. I couldn't say it back.

I let him take me over, I let Liam give me all of him. When we were both done he just kept saying that he loves me. Then I fell asleep.


"Hey! Wake up my parents are gonna be home soon!" A voice yells from above me. "Felicity, Liam, wake the fûck up!" The voice sounds again.

"Ugh." I groan opening my eyes to find Harry standing over me angrily. "Hi.." I say trying to make the situation less awkward. "Umm, can you pretend like you never saw us?" I ask looking over at a sleeping Liam.

"I don't give a shit that you two fûcked. I just don't appreciate it being in my sisters bed. Now would you please leave before she comes home and kills me because her sheets are dirty?" He asks impatiently.

"Yeah, just give me a minute?" I ask considering I have no clothes on. He nods and leaves the room.

I lean down and pick up my clothes and start pulling them on. When I'm done dressing I realize Liam is still asleep and in the bed naked. "Liam." I groan shaking him. Nothing. "Ugh!" I pick up one of his shoes and throw it at his stomach.

"Umpf." He groans, sitting up immediately. "What the hell was that for?" He asks in anger.

"You have to leave, Harry's family is going to be here soon." I search around until I find my phone and groan when seeing the missed calls from my mom. "Fûck." I whisper. "Bye Liam." I say walking towards the door and leaving.

"Felly!" He yells after me. I keep walking. "You can't just leave me like this." He whispers sadly. I turn around and look at him feeling a pang of guilt.

"Fine," I huff giving in. "My rides probably gone anyways. You can drive me home." As soon as I say that he quickly gets up and starts dressing.

"Sorry Harry." I apologize as we leave the house.

"Whatever. I guess I just gotta do some extra laundry." He huffs. I give him one last sympathetic smile before Liam and I exit his home. I silently walk over and get into his car, already knowing which one is his.

He gets into the drivers side and looks at me. "Want to get breakfast?" He asks looking at me expectantly.

"Liam I-" I start.

"Please." He pleads looking at me with his puppy eyes he used to use when we were little.

"Fine. Where to?" Why the hell did I just say that?

[So Felicity and Liam did the do. They used a condom but.... Well, I think you can guess by the title what happens to it.

So it says it but also if you can't notice by the flashback Felicity is just really insecure, and she especially was when she was younger. That's just a little subtle hint to why she hates Liam so much.

So I think I like this story and I have a bit of an idea of where it's going, so please comment our thoughts and vote if you liked. Bye!]

Broken Promises and Broken Condoms // Punk Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now