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"Felly, Felly." A voice whispers shaking me. "Felly, we have school. You gotta get up." He groans. I let out an inhuman sound before opening my eyes. Liam is standing over me still in just his underwear with his hair all over the place and sleepy eyes.

"Hi." I say trying to check out his bare torso subtly.

"You gotta wake up. We have school and I gotta stop at my house to get my stuff on the way." He tells me. I groan but get up anyways.

I go to my closet and make Liam turn around so I can get dressed. After that I quickly do my hair and makeup then brush my teeth. "I'm ready to go Li." I call walking down the stairs.

"No your not." He scolds crossing his arms. "You have to eat first."

"But I'm not hungry." I whine in protest.

"I don't care if you're not hungry. You will eat anyways. You need to feed yourself and the baby Felly." He says in a stern voice. I'm just so used to skipping breakfast that I didn't even think about feeding the baby. How selfish of me.

He goes to the cupboard and pulls out a box of cereal. "Eugh," I groan. "I don't like that kind." After me saying no to the cereal and pop tarts (which is all we have in this house) Liam groans and says he'll take me to Starbucks.

We drive to his house, him in his clothes from the night before, to get him clothes and his backpack. "Wait here, I'll be quick." He assures me running into his house. True to his word he comes back in under 7 minutes.

We go to Starbucks' drive thru and get food and drinks before finally going to school. Surprisingly to me, we weren't late. I guess Liam woke us up pretty early.

Once we pull into the parking lot I feel the familiar sense of nausea. "Unlock the doors." I growl trying for the handle. The door finally swings open and I throw up on the pavement of the parking lot.

"Oh shît Felly! Are you okay?" Liam asks running over to me.

"Sorry yeah, it's just morning sickness." I assure him. I lean back on the car for a few seconds to regain my composure. "I'll be fine, we got to go." I tell him. I reach into the car and grab my backpack before walking up the building with Liam behind me.

"Are you sure?" He questions worriedly.

"Yeah, this is normal. You'll have to get used to me throwing up all the time." I reply.

He leaves it at that and we walk into the building we've been going to for the past four years. I immediately walk towards mine and Niall's lockers, spotting the blonde from the distance. "I'm gonna go hang out with Niall, bye." I say walking away from Liam.

"I'll come with you." He determines, continuing to follow me.

"No you won't." I tell him. "You'll go talk to your own friends."

"You're not the boss of me Felicity." He retorts, smirking at me.

"Hasn't anyone ever told you not to get in a fight with a pregnant lady?" I fire back, placing my hands on my hips and glaring at him. "I know you're going to be mean to him, so you can go away. I'll see you after school." I growl. I don't know why I'm getting so mad over this, must be the hormones.

"Wait, you'll see me after school?" He smiles happily.

"You're my ride home idiot." I remark crushing the small hope he had. Maybe I'm a bit harsh towards him, but I'm pregnant. Also he practically ruined my life. "Niall!" I call running towards him.

"Hey Fel, I just saw you yelling at Liam, what'd the prick do now?" Niall asks rolling his eyes.

"Oh Ni, I've got so much to tell you." I gasp. I turn to my locker and start grabbing my things while telling him last nights events. "So we had our usual dinner with Liam's family and he didn't show up. I was pissed because I was gonna tell him the news then. But then he showed up, and he was drunk off his ass!" I explain, remembering the anger I felt towards him last night. "So he got drunk because he overheard his mom and dad talking about me being pregnant and he thought you were the dad and got jealous." I laugh because me and Niall, just no.

Broken Promises and Broken Condoms // Punk Liam PayneOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora