Chapter 10: Enemy Within

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As time goes by, I try to find a way to have a conversation with (Y/n) so that I can proceed with my plan, but somehow it became so difficult. At work, he always has something important to do, so he always busy. On a break, Claire would always come and check on him. I cannot even hold a conversation with him for more than five minutes. I thought maybe after a few weeks, Claire would stop coming to the office and check on him. But how naive I was. You can guess it already... she keeps coming back. And on top of that, there is a new recruit coming into our branch and one of them is Rebbeca Chamber, a child prodigy with a bachelor's degree in chemistry at the age of 18. She is a Medic & Rear Security for S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team. Since these last few weeks (Y/n) have worked so hard, he finally gets a fewer load of work given to him. But, because of that, he's the one who has a lot of free time and now he must babysit the newcomer. (Y/n) has been assigned to become Rebbecca's mentor, at least until she is familiar with how things work. So there goes my plan... during work hours Rebbecca would constantly ask for (Y/n) advice on something, and when he off duty, Claire would ask him to hang out with her. It didn't give me a chance to get closer to him. Every day I watch him getting clingy with Claire and Rebbecca. I try to keep my calm and try to ignore it, but somehow I just can't take it anymore. I need to take an extreme measure if I want to find out his secret.

"I'm sorry, but (Y/n) is already having a plan with me. Don't tell me you forgot about our date?" I said as (Y/n), Claire, and Rebbecca look at me in shock.

"A date!?" They said.

I turn to him, "My parent is in town and you said that you want to meet them, right? Or is that just another of your sweet talk?"

A few minutes earlier (Y/n) is having a conversation with Rebbecca, she was wondering if he was free this weekend. She wants to invite him to her apartment to taste her homemade cooking, she said that she wants to repay his kindness for always helping her out. Just when he was about to give her an answer, Claire come by and join in, she immediately asked if he was free this weekend and want him to hang out with her. Seeing that he suddenly got two invitations at the same time, he was confused about how he should respond to their request, and that's where I came in. I guess I will be doing him a favor now.

"I didn't know that you and Jill are a thing now..." Claire said awkwardly.

"Well, that's because we're not a thing now." (Y/n) try to explain it to them.

"Of course. It's not now, in fact, it's been more than a few weeks." I flash him a wink.

"What!?" (Y/n) was speechless.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n). I didn't know that you and Jill already have a plan. Another time I guess... " Rebbecca said as she tries to hide her embarrassed face.

I guess you would feel embarrassed when you ask someone's boyfriend out for a date in front of his girl. Especially when you didn't even know that he has a girl.

"Well... if you already have something to do. There always next time, right? Oh yes! I think I need to get going now. See you around, (Y/n)." Claire awkwardly waves her hand as she walks away.

"I think Captain Wesker need me to deliver a few documents just now, see you, (Y/n)." Rebbecca also makes her exit, trying to make it look casual as possible.

And now they left me with him. "They really suck at making excuses, right? Well... if I'm on their shoe I probably would do the same." I said as I try to break the ice.

(Y/n) stares at me, I think he's a little piss...

"What was that, Jill?" He rais his voice a little.

"That was me trying to help."

"Help?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, you clearly got in trouble by those two aren't you?"

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