Chapter 13: Another Day On The Job

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1st October 1998

Spencer Memorial Hospital, Raccoon City

U.S.S. Delta Team / Wolfpack

Cpt. (Y/n) "Ghost" (L/n)

I start opening my eyes and gain my consciousness. The last thing that I remember was helping Carlos fend off the infected. What happened after that? Suddenly I can feel pain in my left arm.

"Oh, shit..."

Now I remember, I got bitten by one of those infected. And then there was a blast that knocks me out. I look around my surroundings and found myself on one of the beds in the emergency room. I can only assume that those UBCS guys put me here.

I try to stand up from my bed, but I can't. It appears that I'm strapped into this bed. My hands and legs were tight up.

"What the!?"

As I try to figure a way out and why in the world that they strap me in here. One of the UBCS guys arrived. I think his name is Tyrell.

"You finally awake! Thank god. Talking about the perfect timing."

"What is this?" I asked him while trying to raise my hand so that he can see that it is strapped down.

"Oh, that! I'm sorry. You got bitten. It's just a precaution. In case that you turn into one of those freaks."

Tyrell moves to untie me from the bed. After he has done. I take a seat and look at Jill's bed to find it empty.

"The girl. Where is she? Is she okay?"

"She is with Carlos downstairs. It appears that there is a secret umbrella facility down here. They are trying to find a vaccine for you and the city. And yes. she's okay. The vaccine is a real deal, man."

"Oh, Jill..."

I then look to my left and see my mask was there. It's broken, that's when I realized that I didn't cover my face right now. Oh shit! Did Jill see me without the mask!?

"Hey, the girl. Did she saw my face?"

"I think so. She came to the check-up on you when she's awake after all."

Oh shit... I hope things didn't get too complicated after this. I can't help but sigh in frustration knowing how mess up this is going to be.

I look at Tyrell who's searching the room.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm searching for something to fix the damn telephone. The cable got hit by the blast." He said as he picks up a duct tape and cutter from one of the cupboards.

"What do you need a telephone for?"

"Don't you hear? They're gonna blow the city sky-high. I'm trying to get contact with someone with clearance to stop it."

"What!? What day is it?"

"October 1st."

"Oh, shit..."

"I really do need to find a way to stop it. Otherwise, the four of us and this city can kiss our life a good by."

I stand up from my seat, "Where is the telephone?"

"It's at the receptionist desk. Follow me."

I follow Tyrell into the receptionist's desk where he immediately connects the cut wire from the telephone.

"I try to get in contact with Umbrella on my radio but nothing. The computer doesn't help either. This is our last hope."

After he finished repairing it he turns to me, "Do you know anyone that can stop this? I'm thinking of calling the police or some of my colleagues in the military. But I don't think they can do much."

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