Chapter 16: Family

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My eyes jolt open as I wake and my body moves sitting myself up. I look at my hands that shaking. My mind wonders what just happened. I look at myself, all the pain was gone.


I try to find the answer when suddenly I hear a voice.

"Holy Hell..."

I got surprised by it and immediately turn to where it came from. There, I see a USS operative aiming his handgun at me. His voice sounds so familiar and his uniform, I think I've seen it before. And that's when I finally start wondering the right question. Where am I? I look around and found myself in a helicopter. There are only three people here. The pilot, the USS operative, and me.

"You talk?" The voice seems can't believe what he's looking at.

"What!? Of course, I talk. What do you take me for!" His question makes me more confused.

"Am I seeing things?"

"No, Sir. You're just shocked as I am." The pilot said to the USS operative.

"What you guys talking about?" I look closely at the USS operative and then it finally hit me. I know this guy, "Wait! Your HUNK aren't you?"

"So, you recognize me."

"Of course I did. How can I forget your stupid voice."

He hums, "Curious..."

I don't understand why he sounds like someone who sees a ghost. Well, my code name in Umbrella is GHOST but that's not what I mean.

Suddenly a powerful blast shock the chopper. The light of that explosion is so bright that it penetrates the chopper window and were forced to close our eyes.

"What the fuck!?"

The chopper starts shaking and the pilot seems to lose control of it.

"Hold on tight!" He warns us.

As the pilot tries to regain control the chopper keeps spinning around over and over again. When it about to crash and hit the ground. Luckily he managed to regain control and start pulling our ride up, gaining the right altitude again.

"Damn! That was close!" He said in joy.

"The fuck was that!?" I look outside the window and I can see a cloud mushroom so big that it scratch the sky. Is that what I think it is? It looks like a nuclear detonation.

"That was Raccoon City." HUNK in his cold voice informs me.

I got back to my seat and turn to him, "Raccoon City?"

He nods, "It seems that there is something wrong with your memories. Did you forget that the US government decide to blow it up? Well, that's the nuclear missile that they launch."

"Holy shit..."

Suddenly my brain feels like it hits by a train. The pain comes with the memories of what happened. That's when everything starts coming back to me. The last thing that I remember was trying to get out of that city with the Vaccine formula. But I didn't make it, I got bitten and the virus got me first. Wait... the virus. I immediately check the injury on my left arm. I open the bandage that covers it up and it still there, the bitten mark. How? how did I not turn to one of those infected? I got bite right. But I didn't turn. Did HUNK save me?

I turn to him and ask the question, "Did you inject me with a Vaccine sample?"


'What!? Then how did you do it? I got bit. I should be turned to one of those freaks already."

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