Chapter 4: The Beginning of the End

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"So that's how Operation Raccoon City started." The voice said.

I chuckled while shaking my head, "No... it's not. It's only the beginning..."

"The beginning?" he asked.

"Yes... the beginning of the end..."




19th September 1998

168 Hours Before The Outbreak

Umbrella Corporation, Raccoon City

U.S.S. Delta Team / Wolfpack

Cpt. (Y/n) "Ghost" (L/n)

A few hours ago command decided that the Delta team were to be deployed into one of the Umbrella facility in Raccoon City. Their objective is to assist the Alpha Team and provide support for them. The USS has given the member of my team a new code name except for me, Vector, and Bertha. Karena goes as LUPO, BELTWAY to Hector, FOUR EYES for Christine, and SPECTRE for Vlad. From now on Command orders us to use our code name to communicate with each other. With full military equipment, we are ready to storm the mission.

As soon as we arrived at the facility, we infiltrate it without any meaningful resistance. There are a few U.B.C.S. (Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service) guarding our entrance, but getting past them was a piece of cake. Me and my team continue advancing deeper into the facility. It took us a few minutes to finally get into our position. We were ordered to rendezvous with Alpha Team leader HUNK and support his infiltration into the complex.

"Is this the place, Sir?" Vector asked. His voice is deeper since he used the gas mask, it's part of our uniform. In fact. All of our voices become deeper thanks to the mask.

I look around inspecting the place where we're standing. In front of us stand a large automatic door with the Umbrella logo in the middle of it. Yes, without mistake. We are in the right place. "Yes, Alpha Team leader should meet us behind this door."

"Alright then! Let's get some fun, shall we?" Hector said with full enthusiasm.

"Geez... look at that muscle with no brain." Christine then sigh, "At least the Umbrella wouldn't mind if a few of their sample test were misplace, right?" she gives me a glance while smirked evilly.

"No, focus on the mission! Command wants this to be quick and clean." I turn to Vlad, "Spectre, report our position."

He nods before speaking through his radio, "Alpha leader, we're in position."

"Copy. Standby," it said in reply.

Not long after that, the door in front of us is open. Behind it, we see agent HUNK standing near the door panel control. He wears a U.S.S. combat uniform with a full face gas mask on, just like us. We then walk in approaching him.

He looks at us as if he examines all of us, "You guys must be the new Delta Team. Report!"

"My name is Bertha. Ready to play." Bertha was the first who introduces herself.

Then Vlad, "Spectre here... all set."

"Name's Beltway. Nice to meet ya, Mr. Death." He finished with a smirked.

"Call me Four Eyes. At your service." The field scientist said.

"Vector here. Good to see you again, Sir." I can hear a smile from his voice.

"Call me Lupo." Karena was the last to introduce herself.

Agent HUNK then takes a look at all of us once again until he stops when he looks at me, "Ghost..." he mutter.

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