Its the little things

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To the girl from my 8th grade science class.
The one who,
Unbeknownst to her;
Saved my life.
Continues, to save my life.

Thank you.

That faithful day in school,
back when life was hard,
Even though, I had yet to even discover how hard it would get.
When you dropped off a small envelope in my hands and quietly said
"I hope this helps"
That was it.
And out into the halls you disappeared.
In my grasp was a beautiful card.
That somewhere in my things, I still have to this day.
And while I don't remember the scripture you wrote on it, or the exact phrasing of words.
I do remember that you handed me a $50 Barnes and nobles gift card, and a note that in a synopsis after a lifetime passed read:
"I know you've been sad, and while this doesn't fix everything I hope it reminds you that people love you"
And that little gesture,
Which to me seemed like winning the lottery.
Because how crazy was $50 for a 13 year old to just throw around.
That moment in time,
Will always play in my head.
Whenever things get too hard.
Or things seem too dark.
Whenever I feel the weight of the world crushing in on me,
Whenever I feel alone.
I have the tiny reminder,
that somewhere,
There is a girl who would care.
A girl who would cry at my potentially all empty funeral.
A girl who,
Saved my life.
And unknowingly


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