Please say something

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You pleaded with me over and over.
Did you deserve to hear how you shattered me like the thin clear glass bulbs hanging on the Christmas tree I got us?
Did you deserve to know that as you were satisfying your needs I was crumbling under the weight of your lies?
Did you deserve a response as you finished and I wept for the final straw the broke our relationship?
You didn't care until you had completed your mindless Neanderthal task.
You didn't feel my wet hot tears running down my face, arms, and body.
You didn't see the empty shell under you until you were done.
And you didn't care how broken I was as you cleaned up. And told me you had to go.
The Christmas glass is so pretty. But no matter how many pieces I pick up I can't put back the ornament together.
I can't replace this priceless German art from the store.
It's gone.
Stamped into fibber glass fragments almost like snow on my coffee table.
MY coffee table.
You moved out weeks ago.
You ran out of here pants still unzipped to go back to her days ago.
Do you have the same tree in your new house?
Do you decorate as a family?
When someone breaks an ornament, do you think of me? That broken set of glass lying under you.
When you begged "please say something".
But I never did.
And maybe I never will.
And now I'm this fibreglass snow.
Pretty to look at,
Too deadly to hold.
And I'm slowly being crushed too fine to be seen.
Eventually it'll all be trash.
And I'll wash away to some landfill, for the forgotten.
Will you still think of me when you decorate your tree?
Say something please?
What do you deserve to hear?
Say something please....
Do I even deserve to hear it...


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